(Old) It's Moanday So That Means We Need A New MMP

That sounds really cool and yes, also really expensive.

Well, most of us love our families; I actually like mine as well. My brothers and I get along great. We’re all pretty mellow and tend not to get in each other’s nerves. Five days and six nights together won’t be nearly enough to wear out their welcome.

As for the nieces, they can be a lot louder, but they’re all terrific girls. They’d be welcome in my house, except a)there’s not enough room, and b)they won’t be in town until the hotel portion of the visit anyway.

I wonder if with all that stupid crap going on at the border if it’s still going on … Remember every time I joked about "the great flood "that would get predicted 5 or 6 times a year but rarely happened? Well, payback’s a bitch since it’s been raining all week but 2 days and its been raining here for something close to 18 hours … and no end in sight it seems…may need someone with captain skills that can bring an ark …

Well, Da Jungle was fresh out of anvils … :grin:

From my experience 1% of humanity knows how to.

I’m a little northwest of Brownsville. but to be fair, they did knock down the Taco Bell up the road to build a Guatemalan consulate, so it might work.


Oh, honey … knowing how, and wanting to do so … now those are two very different things.

A few of us here play with threads (cross-stitch, embroider) a few more play with wood and/or metal, and I believe there’s one or two painters hiding in the woodwork - heh! - and someone or -two make(s) exquisite greeting cards.

Some of the crafts made are even useful/functional!

Wanna ask us, or do you { hint } wanna start a new thread? Cuz I guarantee something like, “Recommend cheap/free artistic hobbies BONUS can be useful” would grow some legs 'round here.

We’ll know tomorrow, but if I’m reading the information right, FCM/FCD should have departed Buenos Aires about 40 minutes ago and are headed home.

Seems like there already is one.

Ah, that thread really is stealth-bragging about current/finished products from people completing existing projects.

I was trying to suggest maybe soliciting ideas for a NEW hobby or craft, as a starting point.

I’ll presume that a prep expert has plans for potential issues with power and other utilities :).

QFT. One of those tasks that seems borderline pointless because it gets undone so fast and doesn’t really affect sanitation/health concerns.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave. Imma gonna be stuck with Slothman and Shaggy today, so I expect a shift of screaming profanity and skyrocketing blood pressure. At least it’s hockey and Manhattan night?
Also, Spot has claimed the big kennel as his own. I guess that means the next dog either A. Is small enough to fit in the tiny kennel or B. Is dumb enough to think it’s kenneled with just his head in a cage.

Well, at the end of the day, you gotta save your spoons for the latter ones.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 39 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 63 and N.O.S. for the day. The big item on today’s agenda is laundry. I can hardly contain myself! Otherwise there will be sloth, general overall uselessness, nappage, and day drinkin’. Sup shall be leftovers from last night’s sup.

Everyone gettin’ all the rain, be safe. Hope no one gets flooded out.

shoe after haulin’ the biiiiiig trash can all the way down to the road and then haulin’ it all the way back up three hours later, I did need nappage. I hope no such arduous task presents itself today.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s 11c/53f outside with no predicted change today, and cloudy. Weather app says “I often give zero fucks on days like today. Apparently fucking Mother Nature also gives zero fucks.”

My idiot neighbour put his bins out on Sunday night - two black recycling bins, and one green household waste bin. Our collection day is Tuesday. I hauled my biiiiiig black recycling bin out first thing this morning, it was emptied a couple of hours later, and I hauled it all the way back to where it lives.

The binmen have started looking inside the bins before they put them on the dumpster, the council has been advertising a lot about how it costs them £185,000 a year to deal with unrecyclable waste that ends up in the recycle collection. We have access to the council’s website that tells us what we can put in there, we’ve had stuff through the door to tell us, stickers on the bins, and info all over FB. As it’s recycling today, they completely ignored idiot neighbour’s green bin as that’s due to be emptied next week. They looked in one black bin and left it where it was, looked in the other one and emptied it. Guess he’s been naughty with one of those bins!

I had an early night and a not-too-shabby sleep so I’m feeling much better today. Just in time to haul myself to campus daily for the rest of the week. I have two nights out as well, so by Friday I will be asleep on my feet.

We’re in Miami. White hot hatred of this airport. More later - it’s almost time to board.

Morning all. Took a diuretic last night and waiting to see the results (I know, TMI), then think I will take my lawnmower into the shop to get it ready for the mowage season. That will be my major contribution to the economy today, sloth and gym will occupy the rest of the time. Another day about 60F and no rain to be seen.

FCM, glad you caught your flights, but I agree that Miami is not particularly friendly for changing planes, for most people it is a destination place and that’s what it is geared up for. Still, a couple of more hours and you’ll be on the final leg.

Pilot, welcome back. Never tried a last minute cruise, my issue would be getting to the port as last-minute airline tickets can be expensive, but may look into it.

JtC, sounds like flooding can be an adventure up around your place. Hope the truck got moved and the semi driver chastised by the officers of the law.

Bat Boy, hope the new interests pique your creativity, but never forget the budgetlest your joy be short-circuited.

shady, try to stay dry.

boo fae, My trash pickup is usually Thursday, so I put my bin out Wednesday evening, since the time of collection can be…whimsical… The recyclable bin only gets picked up every third Thursday, I usually watch for neighbors like yours to see when it is time to put mine out.

OK, need to do the morning ablutions and get the mower into the car. Take care all.

Princess Juliana Airport was really ravaged by Hurricane Irma. They are still rebuilding, but I was impressed by the improvements so far. The airport bars are fun; we usually know the bartenders from other bars they’ve worked at in the past.

The first year after Irma, the airport stuff was being done inside tents, with laptops.

I think my most hated airport is Dallas-Ft. Worth. It’s enormous. It took me some 30-40 minutes to walk from my flight to a connecting flight there. SeaTac is probably #2. Crowded and grubby in my memory, although it’s been quite a few years since I was there.

I’m so glad you found Dan Harris, spicy! I really enjoyed his book; I’ve downloaded his podcast but have yet to listen, though I do do Headspace. It’s a tad on the prescriptive side, though, so I might switch it up. My doc told me that unless I want to be on a statin, I needed to figure out how to manage my stress. Apparently, stress can make your cholesterol, in addition to your BP, rise. So I walk and run as much as possible and started meditating, too. I don’t know how well it’s been working, but I guess I’ll find out.

Today started out at 1:30 a.m., when overlygirl woke me up. She’d been complaining of tiredness and being cold yesterday, as well as a headache, so I figured she was working her way toward a fever. She did not disappoint. She woke up, stinging hot to the touch, complaining of ear pain. Making her stand around while I took her temperature seemed redundant, so I gave her a couple of Advil and spent the next few hours alternating between trying to sleep and bouncing out of bed to check on her. Why is it that, no matter how old your children are, you will always, always run in to check on them 10 times? I could actually hear her rolling her eyes at me, which I suppose is good - if she has the energy to be thoroughly annoyed by me, I suppose that means it’s somewhat mundane.

Anyway, I got out of bed at last around 5 a.m., went for a short waddle with my friend since the girl was sleeping anyway and her dad was still in bed. It’s almost 10 a.m. and the little squirt (who is 5’10" to my 5’7") is still out. I’m going to wait until she wakes up to call the doc; I’d rather she rest instead of dragging her out into a 30F morning.

When we brought Simi home with us from Saint Martin, we had to do customs/immigration in Atlanta. It’s a huge airport. We had to take the dog through the Department of Agriculture screening after customs. The man pointed down a hall and told us “that way”. I asked how far, and he told me as far as you can go.

It was a long walk. When we got to the woman who manned the station, she looked over our paperwork and told us she didn’t speak French. I told her it showed a normal exam and vaccine dates. That was good enough for her.

Good morning. Finally got my way through my morning routine. It’s great to be incorporating all this self-care into my day, but it takes three hours from the time I wake up to get through it all. Up at 6:30am, get my son ready for school and eat breakfast, pack his lunch, clean the kitchen, brush my teeth and make the bed, about 7:30am I go for my walk, back around 8am, meditate for 20 minutes, write things I’m looking forward to in my journal, shower… I even put away laundry this morning.

As for my job, I’m a habitual procrastinator trying to talk myself into doing work that’s not due for a while. What I’d really like to do is browse meditation timers on the web, because mine is about 15 years old and I’ve never really liked the design.

I also have like a million appointments to schedule.

Yesterday I started crashing at 3-4pm like I have been doing ever since I got COVID. It’s worse some days than others. Because I was so tired I didn’t spend much time with my kid, and I don’t want that to happen today, so I’m trying to troubleshoot in advance. I’m thinking 30 minutes before they drop him off, eating a little snack and exercising for 1-2 minutes. Maybe some yoga poses. Something to get me going again.

I’m thinking I’m going to start getting up at 6am and meditating before I get my kid ready. That will get me started on work a little sooner.

This is when I start to feel overwhelmed. My brain just cannot hold all this stuff.

FCM glad to hear you are on the home stretch!