Old video games that should be remade or have a sequel

I would think that Contra could be made into a pretty cool game with today’s gaming abilities.

Boo-ka ba-ka boo-ka ba-ka boo-ka ba-ka ba-ka ba-ka
Boo-ka ba-ka boo-ka ba-ka boo-ka ba-ka ba-ka ba-ka

That would be nice.

I would also like to see a well-done Fallout 3 done very much like the others. It doesn’t need to be turned into a real-time, first-person, 3-D polygon based monstrosity, they were just fine how they were.

I also find myself constantly hankering to play ‘Crusader: No Remorse’, but alas, it won’t run on any current operating system. The CD just sits there mocking me. I wish they would at least make some kind of front-end so it can run on Win 2K, if not re-do the game completely.

May I introduce you to Space Horse.

Pong - the ball’s revenge.

Carrier Command.

I played that for hours on end with the 'ol AMIGA 500. It absolutely kicked ass.

One remake that was done that kicked ass but nobody bought was Battlezone. That came out around 98 for the PC again and was a fabulous game. Combo of FPS and Strategy complete with kickass graphics. It was amazing. Its a pitty BZ2 didn’t sell better (and wasn’t as good). I would love a BZ3.

They have! Its coming out very soon!
Its exactly like old school Contra, but everything is beautifully 3d. It has depth and cool visuals. (all I have seen is on “Extended Play”)
Anyway, my vote it for Terrangima.


You need a SNES rom though…

The Last Ninja , CBM64.
Turrican , CBM64.
Prince of Persia , Master System
Tomb Raider , PSX.
Everybodys Golf , PSX.
Populous , PSX (the best music).
Streetfighter , SNES.
Resident Evil , PSX.
Shadow of the Beast2 , Amiga.
Bombuzal , CMB64.

Tarquin lights him up him up - rock and roll racing

Man we used to love that game, I loved how you could shoot rockets across the void and blast your buddies to smithereens.

What about the ghost valley level on mariocart? that is the most playable level in one of the most playable games ever, no one could beat me at it , I used to screech around that level playing as Donkey Kong without slowing down , breaking or hitting the sides once, and that was with a super start.

I also used to love GODS, Stunt Racer FX and many other, I still have my snes and i`m keeping it.

I would love to see a sequel to Grim Fandango.

Sid Meier’s Pirates.

Bethesda’s Sea Dogs just doesn’t do reach the same level.

They really need an X-Com sequel that keeps the same basic layout as the original, but just improves it a bunch. It’s impossible to get the original working on a modern computer, and the PS version is at least $50 on eBay. One improvement I would love to see is being able to train soldiers at your base.

Well… I can think of alot of old games that would make interesting updates. But here is a few I would think would make for cool remakes.

Bump & Jump
Elevator Action
Raid over Moscow
Hunt the Wumpus
Lunar Lander

Second on River City Ransom and Xcom (The original). 2 of my all time favorites.

I had a TI system when I was a kid and I’d like to see:

Hunt the Wampus (as mentioned above)
Parsec (great side-scrolling Space invaders type game)
Tunnels of Doom (My first exposure to D&D type games)
Pirate Adventure (text based)

Then again, I’d also like to see another Grand Theft Auto, Diablo III, and a Half-Life II.

Reviews of the Contra game for the PS2. There have been many sequels to it.

Elevator Action! Yeah, I’d love to see that one done up nicely. The lunches I skipped to garner quarters to plunk in that machine!

(I’m still bitter that I can’t find a working version for MAME, even.)

Bump ‘n’ Jump would be neat too, although the version I played most was the Colecovision one… the arcade game seemed hard by comparison.

That makes me think-- Spy Hunter. Please.

Spy Hunter - Its been done. Just put back out on the PS2 last year (or this year?)

I wanna see Dungeon Keeper 3.

I always loved how the Dungeon Keeper’s tutor would give instructions with his voice dripping with contempt for the good guys. Their website hasn’t been updated in years, so that doesn’t bode well for v.3.

A few games people have mentioned have already had sequels…

Prince of Persia was followed by the superb Prince of Persia 2 and then the dreadful Prince of Persia 3D

(Why why why why must everything be 3D? Excessive 3D makes the dancing baby cry)
Elevator Action had a sequel called Elevator Action 2, more or less, but it sucked.

The game I’d like to see a sequel for is Ghouls and Ghosts, but I’m not talking about damn 3D Maximo!

They have about a gazillion Wing Commander sequels for the PC - the platform it was originally written for.

DUDE, that game was the best. I just loved the whole system, although I’d ask for improvements on the air-to-air combat such as actually piloting the Avenger. :smiley:

I’d love to see a straightforward remake of X-Com. Not “just like the original, except underwater and much harder,” not the oddity that was apocalypse, and not the mindless blast-everything-that-moves gameplay offered by Enforcer.

They wouldn’t even need to add any features. I’d be happy with an update (maybe some graphical enhancement) of the original game that can run on a modern operating system.
I’d like to see a remake of Emperor of the Fading Suns. That was a great game. I’d like to see greater ability to play with other people, and an even more complex diplomacy system. The complex planetary wars, the methods of winning other than overt warfare, and just the overall feel of the world were very fun.