Over the several adult years of my life, I have observed that persons tend to stratify according to both their real and perceived level of attractiveness. By way of explanation, I will relate a specific anecdote that seems to hold fast with the general observation.
I have known a woman since March of 2005, who seems to embody the truth of my stratification theory. At that time, she had lost nearly 50 pounds, was jogging/running nearly 5 miles 4 times per week, and was generally making serious inroads in her own personal improvement program. At that time, she didn’t consider herself overly-attractive, rating herself somewhere around a “6” on a scale of 1 to 10. (Incidentally, and for the purpose of this discussion, this is precisely where I also rate myself.) The truth of her situation was that, with her very nearly reaching her personal weight and fitness goals, she was actually closer to an “8.” (Her seeing herself as a 6 was to my personal benefit, because she was attracted to me at the time.)
As you can see, though she was actually an 8, she considered herself a 6, which caused her to seek others she believed to be closer to her own perceived attractiveness level. Since then, a year has passed, and she is seeing a guy on a steady basis that is a pretty solid 8. Not only that, but she has noticed that other guys that would probably be rated as a “high 8” or “low 9” are actually “scoping her out” in public, and other people (including myself) have told her on numerous occasions that she is a solid 8 now, and possibly pushing a 9. The interesting part of this, is that she has started to believe this, herself.
Point in case, she has mentioned to me that she sees the more attractive guys looking at her, and the sixes and sevens, when they see her, get that “I wouldn’t even have a shot” look on their faces. I’ve asked her if, in fact, she would entertain an approach from any of these sixes or sevens and her reply was, “Probably not.” (Which also means, by proxy, that she doesn’t find me attractive anymore – which is a conversation we’ve had and I’ve confirmed that yes, for the most part, she doesn’t find me as attractive as she once did, and it has nothing to do with my personality, which she rates as a “9.”)
What this proves by anecdote is that eights are attracted to eights; sixes hang out with sixes, etc. Now, there is a + factor of 1 to this; for example, a six can pretty comfortably hang out with and approach a 5 or a 7, but an 8 or higher is “out of his league.” Similarly, an 8 can approach a 7 or a 9, and so forth. There are exceptions, where you see a 6 socializing with an 8 or a 9, but if observed closely, it will usually be seen that this fraternization is almost always strictly social: there will be little or no romantic involvement. Typically, this manifests itself as the nerdy/geeky guy with the hottie girl that he hangs out with. He’d probably love to be romantically involved, and probably has a great deal to offer her emotionally, but because she is more or less unable to stratify that far downward, his affections will be largely unreturned except as a hopelessly platonic relationship.
Now, I realize that there are some anecdotal exceptions, probably on these very Boards – but this is why I put this in IMHO; my observations to date support my previously-stated hypothesis. Has anyone else made similar observations? Also, I would be interested in hearing about first-hand personal stories of others who beat the “stratification theory” (first-hand only, please, not “my friend’s friend…” type stuff).