Only ONE protein for the rest of your days

Which do you choose? For whichever you choose, you can have all forms of your choice. So if you choose beef, that means you can have beef bologna, beef pepperoni, all the classic cuts of steaks etc…

  • Beef
  • Poultry
  • Pork
  • fish
  • Other/Wild game

0 voters

I’m counting on “Pork” including bacon (and pork belly and ham and pulled pork).
I said grace over slow-cooked pork belly and veggies the other day:

“Thank you, Lord, for pigs. Especially the dead ones.”

Only 1 ?

I choose beef, because picking anything else would mean having to give up hamburgers. Sometimes, all you want is a good burger.

Indeed - the OP says one “protein” but means only one “flesh.” I was going to say “dairy” if it was just one protein source.

I’ll take poultry, as chicken is extremely versatile in cooking and constitutes most of the animal flesh I consume anyway. I’d miss fish a lot, especially salmon. But I don’t eat much beef or pork so that wouldn’t be overly painful.

I chose pork because I’d have more things to choose from. I’d miss burgers and prime rib; I love them but rarely eat them anymore. I eat a lot of chicken but that’s mostly out of convenience. Piggy products it is.

I knew I shouldn’t have worded the title the way I did. :roll_eyes:

Beef. It’s what’s for dinner. And lunch. Can I still have eggs for breakfast?

i thought peanuts might come under the “other” bit.

Oh well, chicken (poultry) then.

OP says “all forms of your choice”. So if you choose poultry, it seems to me it can be in the “alive” form, which gets you the eggs. So maybe beef gets you milk.

Lisa: I’m going to become a vegetarian.
Homer: Does that mean you’re not going to eat any pork?
Lisa: Yes.
Homer: Bacon?
Lisa: Yes, Dad.
Homer: Ham?
Lisa: Dad, all those meats come from the same animal.
Homer: Right Lisa, some wonderful, magical animal!

This was a tough one, but I went with pork. Like Homer’s famous quote, it really is like a bunch of different meats. Ham, Taylor Ham, bacon, sausages, hot dogs, pork chops, pernil, leitao, and so many more. Truly a magical creature.

I chose chicken. I already eat more of it than anything else.

Poultry presumably means I get chicken, duck, turkey, and goose, so that’s already more variety than all the others.

Beef narrowly wins out over pork as I like beef summer sausage, ribeyes, beef ribs, ground beef, jerky, beef tips with gravy, beef hot dogs, and even beefaroni. And they do make beef bacon (tho it’s not as good as real bacon, and I’d sure miss ham).

Carpaccio is so yummy too.


I figure that in large part, pork is versatile enough to stand in for either beef or chicken in a lot of recipes as well.

I’m surprised there are so few choices for fish-- so many different types available: Salmon, trout, whitefish, tuna, swordfish steaks, stuffed flounder, anchovies, etc. etc…yum. And it’s so versatile…so many ways it can be prepared and served-- sushi / sashimi, smoked, grilled, poached, pan-fried,in a bouillabaisse, as pate, even made into sausage (I’ve had whitefish sausage and it was delicious).

The OP didn’t specify if fish includes shellfish as well or just fish with scales, but if shellfish are included so much the better.

I picked poultry for versatility.

This is precisely why I won’t vote here. Wheat contains protein, so does rice and some other grains. Then there’s legumes and nuts. Does “fish” include seafood that is not fish because I love me some scallops. And mussels, etc.

It’s what’s for dinner.