Oooh! A topic about sex!


Wow, is that true? Only 30%!? I, for one have never had a problem orgasming from intercourse, I guess I’m in the minority. :confused:


Wow, is that true? Only 30%!? I, for one have never had a problem orgasming from intercourse, I guess I’m in the minority. :confused:

This is one of those little pieces of advice that you never hear, but IMO is absolutely on target. All that kissing can really parch a feller (and lady).

True true. The more you use your tongue - kissing, licking, whatever - the more you’ll want a drink later.

What cowgirl said:

Yes yes yes!!! Trying for fifteen minutes to get a damn beer floppy in there is a nightmare.

OESGal, I read about that from a Masters and Johnson study. I would say that you are in the LUCKY minority, ne? :wink: Wifecat has had 2 orgasms from intercourse alone in her entire life (both with me!). She simply needs clitoral stimulation.


Oh, the figure is also referenced in this Cecil column.
