If you’re not familiar with Pathetic Geek Stories, it’s a weekly comic strip where the readers send in humiliating tales from their childhood that are now funny by dint of it being 30 years later.
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Let’s have our own Pathetic Geek Stories in this thread. I’ve done this in some smaller MBs and it’s pretty fun… although I’ve got to lay down some ground rules first.
) Don’t post just to get sympathy. If you can’t laugh at it, don’t post it.
) Post about something genuinely dorky, not the time you were at the mall and some boys whistled at your best friend and you thought they were whistling at you boo hoo hoo. That’s happened to just about everyone.
Here’s mine. When I was 8, this new girl came to our class who was from a family of eight. All the class bullies picked on her as well. I really wanted to Be Friends, but was way too shy to talk to her. So I wrote the girl this three-page unsigned love letter and left it in her desk, and never spoke to her after that. I expected her to miraculously recognize my handwriting and Be Friends with me. She probably still doesn’t know who sent it or why.
Wait, wait, I got a better one.
When I was 13, I had just bought a tube of purple lipstick and thought I was tough. One day I planned to go looking for trouble. Problem was, finding trouble in my hometown was near impossible. I actually sat up all night planning to “make trouble” the next day, and all my plans involved wearing purple lipstick and riding my bike places.
I rose bright and early to make trouble. I put on my lipstick, got on my bike, and rode around the block a few times. Nobody was around. I even went by some of the stores I wanted to swagger my purple-lipped ass into, and they wouldn’t be open for another couple of hours. So I went home. My entire troublemaking excursion took me about 25 minutes.