It was dickish and out of line and certainly not helping the cause…but ‘I wish’ and ‘somebody should’ are not actual threats so the SS should do absolutely nothing.
ITT: People say nasty shit on Twitter. Fonda’s remarks are disgusting and horrible. So are many others, including the President. Should they all be intimidated by law enforcement?
A major reason the world is repelled and disgusted by Trump’s child-separation policy at the southern border is that it punishes the children for what their parents have done.* Most people find that idea to be repugnant.
Fonda fell into the trap of being as deplorable as Trump: no easy accomplishment. I do hope he’ll apologize.
*Seeking asylum is not illegal and neither the parents nor the children deserve to be punished for it, let alone have such cruelty visited upon them. But the point remains: Trump is punishing the kids for what the parents have done.
Half brother, I guess? The article also has Ulee’s Gold dated 1977, when it was 1997.
The real problem is that Trump is a sick fuck and it upsets people. If Trump wasn’t acting in monstrous fashion, some crazy old fuck like Fonda wouldn’t have said those terrible things. It’s a chicken and egg problem. Or, in other words, who gives a shit?