Peter Fonda is A Despicable, Nasty Piece of Work

Calling for an 11 year old boy to be sodomised as a revenge on his father.

Doesn’t matter what you think of Trump’s policies. You don’t start calling for horrific child abuse to make a political point.

I hope the Secret Service interview with Fonda was very, very, intimidating and put the fear of God and federal prosecution into his abominable head.

Do you feel as strongly about Trump and the GOP, who are actually DOING it?

I’m not disputing that this was something that was over the line and shouldn’t have been said, just that the anger seems misdirected.

He blew it.

Perhaps he’s able to be angry at more than one thing at a time. Most of us are.

The article calls DJ Trump, Jr his uncle. Isn’t he his brother?

It was dickish and out of line and certainly not helping the cause…but ‘I wish’ and ‘somebody should’ are not actual threats so the SS should do absolutely nothing.

ITT: People say nasty shit on Twitter. Fonda’s remarks are disgusting and horrible. So are many others, including the President. Should they all be intimidated by law enforcement?

He’s making me feel like I’ve never been born.

Only the ones that break laws. Not sure if Fonda’s qualified, and not sure if he was investigated, either.

Just wrong.

He’s stoned out of his mind, man.

OK, this was a quality callback. Damn good job!

Yeah, PF was a shit. I join the pile-on.

The fish rots from the head. Trump has utterly trashed the level of discourse in the United States.

Fonda should say he’s sorry.

Twitter is supposed to have community standards for posting, correct? Another fail in enforcement by them.

Considering how loofah-faced shit gibbon feels about Ivanka, and his penchant for hiding/covering up scandal…

I was going to say “he’s making me feel like my trousers are torn,” but that would be too appropriate.

A major reason the world is repelled and disgusted by Trump’s child-separation policy at the southern border is that it punishes the children for what their parents have done.* Most people find that idea to be repugnant.

Fonda fell into the trap of being as deplorable as Trump: no easy accomplishment. I do hope he’ll apologize.

*Seeking asylum is not illegal and neither the parents nor the children deserve to be punished for it, let alone have such cruelty visited upon them. But the point remains: Trump is punishing the kids for what the parents have done.

Half brother, I guess? The article also has Ulee’s Gold dated 1977, when it was 1997.

The real problem is that Trump is a sick fuck and it upsets people. If Trump wasn’t acting in monstrous fashion, some crazy old fuck like Fonda wouldn’t have said those terrible things. It’s a chicken and egg problem. Or, in other words, who gives a shit?

I cursor-hovered over the link to see these words in a row:

peter-fonda-barron-trump-twitter-us-secret service-paedophiles-melania

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen all those words in a row. Anyway, leave Barron out of it. I admonish Fonda accordingly.

Thanks! :o Wasn’t sure if anybody would get it.

Well, except that Trump actually harmed children, and Fonda merely talked about it. Though I agree he shouldn’t have said it.