Poll: Who's watching the debate tonight?

I watched – I don’t usually.

It was pretty even. McCain tended to repeat things even after Obama refuted them, and I liked the fact that Obama gave some pretty sophisticated answers, but I really don’t see either man having any major advantage.

As an Arizona resident, I have to say that this simply isn’t true. McCain has done zip to promote solar or other alternative energy sources here.

I watched it. My friend made some comments to the tune of “why are you bothering to watch it - you already know who you are voting for”. But he’s not watching it at all, so which one of us is more open minded? lol

Do yall watch it because you are undecided, or to root for your ‘team’?

I watched, though being decided. Every watcher apparently has their own conclusion, flipping through the channels post debate. The Beeb seemed most even handed in review.
Were this my first exposure to the candidates? Obama seems to have some direction and plans as president. McCain spent his time attacking Obama.
I’m surprised Jim Lehrer tolerated all the interruptions.

Neither, I listened to see how they would do and what would come up. Debates are usually more about one candidate making a terrible gaffe or else they don’t change many minds. Rarely one of the Candidates will completely out debate the other on multiple issues. This is very rare for Presidential Debates.

Obama did as well as I expected, his policies were a little more rounded, McCain did better than I think many expected. He also showed some signs of being more willing to admit that the current financial disaster might curtail some of his changes. I was sad to see him cling to his $300 billion tax break, but that is a policy difference, not a gaffe.


He stated several times he wanted the candidates to talk to each other; the interruptions were a byproduct of that.

I thought Obama’s strongest moment was when he went through the checklist of McCain’s various stands and statements in support of the war. I don’t think McCain had a similar moment – though of course, most McCain supporters would disagree (on both points).

Ah. Missed the beginning. On that note, J.McC didn't talk much TO his opponent what with third person reference and no eye contact.

I liked the "You were wrong on that " bit too, being rabidly anti-war in Iraq from the git go, a point of total agreement with the Jr.Senator.