Prayers and good thoughts needed....

Captain Blunty, I hope the news continues to be good! I had one dog who kept losing weight even though he was eating twice as much as my other dogs. It turns out he had a pancreatic problem. He’s ok now, on enzyme supplements – a bit expensive, but the Bouncer-boy is worth it!

I hope your little guy comes home well and happy. It’s so easy to get attached to these guys.

Best wishes from me & my 4 dogs!

Captain Blunty…so glad of this news! :slight_smile:
Bless the vets and the good hopes of the SDMB!
Continued prayers for Gizmo…


That’s so wonderful! :smiley:


ps when do we get to see pictures of the baby?

Ok… you want photos cadolphin ? You got em! I never hesitate to show off pictures of my baby!

Here’s my cuties pie!

And another update…

It seems it’s good news all around! The vets have been offering food to him since around two o’clock, and he has been eating and keeping it down. To qoute the vet, he has been “buzzing” most of the afternoon, wanting to play! If he keeps his food down, he can come home with me tomorrow!

As soon as he gets home I’m going to hold him on my lap, and read this thread to him! He may not understand, but I want him to know that the wonderful people at the SDMB were rooting for him!

How is Gizmo today? I hope he is eating and jumping around like he feels great.
That is one cute pup you have there Captain.