Pregnant Bones

I don’t watch Bones very regularly any more but I never cared for episodes that featured a lot of character development stuff. Never cared about Bones’ father or brother, never cared about Booth’s son. Angela and Hodgins marriage shenanigans? Yawn. Zach’s revelation as the apprentice? Meh with a scoop of shitty storytelling. When I watch Bones, it’s because I want to see a disgustingly murdered person in an odd situation and then everyone solves it. I’m still pissed about the episode that faked me out with an intriguingly trussed up skeleton in the first two minutes and then literally the rest of the episode was a court case with Bones’ father and nothing further was said about the skeleton. Waste of my time.


//funny 'cause it’s true

Since Emily Deschanel was actually pregnant, they had to work the pregnancy in somehow.

I like it. So far anyway. I can finally quit yelling “Just fuck already” at the TV.

And Cam is smoking hot.

Is it possible for a show to jump the shark twice? Bones jumped the shark when Zack was the Gormogon killer. It was the worst resolution, both in the destruction of a great character, and the horrible way they did it, which made no sense at all. “It was logical…” Not.

Then, they have slowly gotten back to some semblance of decency, and now you’re saying it jumped again. I have not yet watched this episode, but will be bummed if it truly has jumped twice. I don’t know if I can stomach through another horrible period again…might be better to just leave it. I’ll certainly give it a shot, though. I’ll probably watch it tonight.

To be true to character, Bones would have just aborted. Obviously that won’t work when your actress is truly pregnant. Given that constraint, I think the most in-character solution would be that she would chose to carry it to term for the scientific interest of the process, never revealing the father, and giving it away after the birth.

Cam has always been smoking hot. Does anyone have a pic of the new hairstyle? :smiley:

Big Bang Theory seems to be doing OK. *Friends *did OK.


Hair? All I noticed were the curves. The cuurrvvvezzzzz. And I’m an old heterosexual woman.

Bones has talked about “someday” wanting a child since nearly the beginning. And as she’s now nearing her mid 30s, it makes scientific sense that this may be her best shot at a healthy kid. Having the baby is the most in-character thing for her to do.

Shows have worked around women becoming pregnant almost as long as shows have existed. Yes, many times they work the pregnancy into the plot, but just as often they’ll try to hide it with baggy clothes and big purses. It’s not always terribly successful, but it’s certainly not something they had to work in if they really didn’t want to.

Do you really think a FAT Tempe would work? Part of her appeal is the fact that she’s a beautiful scientist.

The thing that gets me is the whole non-payoff of a seven season build up. We didn’t even see them kiss. We had to be happy with a doggone pat on the hand at the end of last season. I haven’t seen any of this season yet because I watch on Hulu.

My girlfriend has made me watch this show from the beginning in the last few months. I was just getting into it when they essentially killed off Zack who was the only character I liked. When I saw they were together in the first episode of the new season my girlfriend was surprised I told her the actress must have gotten pregnant in real life so the writers had to write it in somehow.

Also, Mulder could kick Booth’s ass and Bones doesn’t hold a candle to Scully.

Yeah, but put yourself in the producers’ shoes. They’ve got a show that’s still reasonably popular, but whose main characters have been playing footsie long enough that viewers are getting bored with it. The leading actress tells them she’s pregnant and it’s like a gift from the heavens. Combine this with a supporting actor’s leaving to take another role (Ryan Cartwright left to do Alphas, so he was the perfect choice to be killed off.) and you’ve got a scenario that solves all your problems. The main characters get to sleep with each other, she gets knocked up, and tada! People come back to the show out of curiosity, to see what’s so different. Of course, they’re going to have to figure out how to keep these viewers. So things might get interesting. Or they might not. We’ll see.

the show is in its seventh season! it is way long overdue for a change. i am surprised by the comments that it should remain the same. a series can only go on for so long without change before it becomes thoroughly contrived and unbelievable.

we must be watching a different show. they’ve been peppering throughout the series that Bones has feelings and is not just an analytical automaton. your suggestion would’ve been a slap to the face and a big step backwards for the character.

they did. and imho it was very sweet. Bones trepidation and subsequent relief; Booth’s reaction to the news. that last few seconds carried a lot of import for their relationship.

Am I missing an episode? I didn’t see Bones ever tell Booth she was pregnant nor a first trepidatious kiss.

i was referring to the payoff. they’ve already had on-screen kisses (many seasons ago) and were sleeping together [del]for some time[/del] the previous episode. it was the last few seconds of the last episode of the last season. Bones was worried about the pregnancy but was clearly comforted by Booth’s reaction. his reaction was exactly right for such a news.

It was at the very end of the Season Six finale. If you blinked, you missed it.