Project Runway 8/16

It’s mid-episode, and I don’t want to spoil things for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, but… am I the only one who likes Kayne’s dress? Anyone? Bueller?

I haven’t gotten a good look at it yet.

Vincent is completely insane.

That goes without saying.

I hope that this is going to be a rosette free episode.

Kayne’s dress is horrible. That should, he should have defended it, instead of conceding it was crap.

Jeffrey’s dress was pretty cool, but he’s so annoying that I never want him to win.

I didn’t think Alyson’s dress was as awful as the judges said, but the model’s hair or whatever the hell that was, was terrible and distracted from the dress.

Laura’s dress is boring, boring, boring. She has a very definite aesthetic but it’s so damn predictable.

Vincent’s dress looks like a Halloween costume I had once, where I went to a party as the Washington, D.C. beltway, so I literally had trash glued to a t-shirt. Also, Vincent is creeping me out with his statements about “getting off” on his dress. Many, many eewwwws.

Michael’s outfit was great.

Wow, Laura. What’s up her… :eek:

I don’t like Jeffrey, but I thought he should have won tonight. Surprisingly, I liked Angela’s dress second best. Kayne’s dress was horrible–he should have been aufed instead of Allison. I know he ditched it, but what the hell was he thinking with those plastic bottlecaps glued all over the long dress? Its just incredible how bad his ideas were. Laura’s a real bitch. She needs to keep her trap shut and concentrate on her own work, instead of providing unwanted critiques of everyone else’s.

I’m shocked that Alison was sent home. Her dress was pretty bad (I thought she was doing an Angela bubble skirt), but she’s been a strong designer throughout, whereas Vincent has been a disaster the whole way through. As Heidi said, “There’s a thin line between innovation and insanity.” Vincent is way over that line. (I did not ever want to hear him say that his design “got him off”.) Kayne pulled through by the skin of his teeth.

I thought Jeffrey’s design was the best. He was the only one who really used color, plus it actually flowed. The belt was great.

Michael had another very strong showing, but not quite as good as Jeffrey IMO. Still, not a bad choice for winner.

All the rest were just okay. I think the only reason Laura was in the top three was that they needed three; her dress wasn’t even close to Michael’s or Jeffrey’s. It was too plain and looked like everything else she does.

Speaking of Laura, she was quite the bitch, particularly at the end with her attack on Vincent. That was no need for that right then. I think one of her boobs almost popped out, too. Someone should make her wear a shirt of some kind.

Laura is driving me absolutely batshit insane. She chose the safest thing she could, she didn’t stretch at all, and I’m sick of her having to get involved in every little thing. “I’m worried about you, Kayne.” “Vincent, the model couldn’t walk!” I’m really feeling Jeffrey’s little quacking rant from the last episode. “Quack quack quack quack QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK!”

I go the feeling that she was pissed because Angela lost to Vincent. Vincent, in his insanity, probably went back and gloated over his beatiful dress.

I’m so sad to see Angela go. So glad to see Michael win again, because I hate Jeffrey even though his dress was interesting.

What the hell was Heidi wearing at the beginning of the show? That was godawful.

I always like Laura’s dresses. Predictable, maybe, but predictable in a good way.

Why is Vincent still on this show? What does he have to do to get booted - not show a dress at all? (I think they should make Vincent and Jeffrey duel to the death in the sewing room with their shears. Winner gets to go home :stuck_out_tongue: )

Yes, Alyson’s hair bow was a REALLY bad idea, but the model couldn’t even walk in Vincent’s dress. Alyson didn’t deserve to go home.

As much as I hate Jeffrey and his designs, he had a nice dress this time around. I thought for sure he was going to win.

What is it going to take to get Vincent auf’d? He’s starting to remind me of a certain contestant from season one who always managed to stay in due to the temporary incompetance of others.

Laura’s clavicle scares me.

on preview

I like the way you think :smiley:

I assume you mean Alison, not Angela. Angela going home is wishful thinking.

Gah. Yes. It would make me very happy to see Angela gone. But she’s like fleas.

This is the first episode all season where I’ve totally disagreed with the judges about the winner and loser.

I did not totally hate Vincent’s dress because I could see where he was going with the pop art theme. It was sort a Jackson Pollack tries fashion to me. But I totally think he deserved to go over Alison. We know he’s never going to make the top three. His designs are always in the bottom and they nearly always make women look like clowns ala Santino. If they gave Robert a bye solely on past performance (and I really thought he deserved to leave last week for a look that was so totally not Jackie O.) why didn’t they spare Alison this week? She’s much more talented and interesting than he is, not to mention a lot less deranged.

My favorites this time around were Uli and Jeffrey (even thought I loathe him). I hated Alison’s and Kayne’s designs. I’m glad they kept Kayne because I’ve just loved what he’s done in the last few weeks. His Ms. America and Marilyn Monroe designs were fabulous. Alison also deserved to stay based on past performance.

Laura was another baffler for me. Her dresses all look alike. She certainly didn’t try anything new this time around. I wouldn’t have booted her but I wouldn’t placed her in the top three either. And she totally needs to shut up to Kayne. Then again I don’t blame her for getting a little snarky to Vincent when he stayed put and Alison didn’t.

I also don’t get the win for Michael. I thought his dress was so totally middle of the pack. The wrap looked like she got caught out in the rain and just put a plastic bag on her shoulders. I would have given it to Jeffrey because he was very innovative in how he put his materials together yet the dress still looked pretty.

I like Michael but I wasn’t impressed with his dress either. The wrap looked like one of those old lady hairdo protector plastic scarf thingies. The judges must have been seeing some angle that I wasn’t. He is incredibly talented though.

I liked Jeffery’s and would have given him the win simply for that cool belt.

Someone please tell me that they dubbed in Vincent repeating “It gets me off” and that he didn’t really say that more than once? :confused:

Also, did Nina Garcia actually say “It’s like Frank* and* Stein!”?
Well, Nina, personally I find the design more Stein than Frank. :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t catch that line. But the phone poll was right about her being the toughest judge.

I disagreed with both the winner and loser this week, which is unusual.

I thought Jeffrey’s was by far and away the best. It was him, but it actually looked less deconstructed and scrap-ish than that bizarre Madonna dress he put out there last week. The dress looked like he’d just been waiting for an opportunity to chuck all that pesky fabric and get his hands on some garbage. He really made it impressive, wearable, and nice, and I don’t like Jeffrey’s style, so this is high praise. He should have won.

Michael should not have won. I really like Michael, and I’m pulling or him, but I honestly think this is the weakest thing he’s put out there. We saw what he could do with paper when he made the coffee-filter dress. He could have done better than a boring skirt and an odd wrap. (The bustier was well done, but too little, too late.) I’m glad he’s doing well, but I wish he’d won for some of the other excellent work that got overlooked, rather than this.

Laura’s was fine. Cute, well constructed, but boring as anything. There’s a fine line between having a defined asthetic and being dull and having no range, and I’m thinking that if Laura doesn’t shake things up soon, she’ll have crossed over it.

Angela’s looked like well-made hooker trash. What was that, wrapping paper?

Robert’s was cute and deserved more attention than Laura’s, but I’m sure it was fantastically uncomfortable. What was it, aluminum foil?

Kayne’s was, as everyone agreed, bad, but when a designer doesn’t even try to defend his own work, it’s generally a death sentence. I’m shocked he’s still in. I guess last week’s excellent showing was enough to convince the judges he deserved a second chance.

Uli’s was nice enough, and it was very pretty on the mannequin, but the skirt started too high up and then just hung there, like a glass lampshade. I agree that it was good enough to pull her through, but not worthy of special recognition. Her being in the middle of the pack was the only decision I agreed with all night

Vincent’s could have been nice, but he took the concept too far and the model wound up looking like an overgrown kid after a messy art project. I thought he should have been the one to go.

Alison did NOT deserve to go. Honestly, I thought her dress had some beautiful elements: the crinkled pleating at the waist, the handmade paper look, and the bateau neck. It was very structural and Japanese. If she had gone for a hair and makeup look in that vein and explained it in that way, like it was inspired by Yohji Yamamoto, maybe she would have had a shot. I liked this outfit far better than Kayne’s, Vincent’s, and Angela’s. Alison, we’ll miss you.

I loved Tim’s blog on this one. Plus, he agrees with me! Some choice bits:

Except I hate Jeffrey, and with his haircut and that neck thing when he did that, he reminded me of Huey, Dewey, and Louie - and so he should never quack.
And I hate him. (Even when his dress was good this week. Still hate him.)

Laura’s was dull. Like Angela three weeks ago, she and the model were wearing the same dress.

Kayne’s was awful, but I agree he shouldn’t have defended it. It was crap. And i saying that it was crap he was at least showing that he has the ability to recognize crap - even when it’s his. How could you defend that and come across as sincere?

Alyson should have made it in based on past work, because Vincent’s dress was flat out ugly. It looked like a child’s art project, and not in a good way.