Questions Only thread

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Are you getting all Zen on us?

Is the other hand attending to the tree that fell in the forest with nobody around?

Is that also where a bear defecates?

And what does that have to do with the Pope being Catholic?

What color is the sky in your world?

How does that figure into all this?

Where can I sign up for the next starship out of here?

What does God need with a starship?

The most memorable line from one of the all-time-worst Star Trek movies, innit?

Which Star Trek movie was that?

Isn’t it whichever one you want it to be?

What if you don’t want it to be any of them?

Are you talking about some kind of willful Trek ignorance?

Isn’t this a place to fight ignorance?

Well, that’s the motto, innit?

And how often to people fail to live up to that?

Well, aren’t there a few total dipsticks too? Do they fail to live up to that?

How does one live up to being a dipstick? Or fail to?

Does it involve improperly indicating the oil level?