"Rabbi" Rosencratz, consider yourself pitted.


You sure do commit a lot of lashon hora for a rabbi, buddy. Didn’t your teachers at yeshiva teach you the importance of gathering evidence and hearing both sides of the story before judging? Didn’t you learn the importance of preserving the reputation of the accused until guilt is proven in an impartial court?

Know what? I can’t help but think that not only are you not a Rabbi, you’re probably not even Jewish to begin with. Here’s a quote from tomndebb that says it all about you:

That does it. I’m starting to suspect you of being one of the SF kooks impersonating a rabbi to make Jews look bad. I’ll admit that I’ve been wrong before, and if I’m wrong here then I’ll apologise and pay for your Charter Member subscription. But I gotta say…I’m suspicious.

In the meantime, may a child be named after you soon. (If you really are Jewish, then you’ll know that is NOT a compliment.)

Wooo-hooo!!! My first thread to have spawned a pit!!!
Mr Rosencratz, you are full of shit. All I have to say on the matter. And thankyou htns for having given me the opportunity :slight_smile:

I like the conspiracy that he’s a Stormfronter in disguise, but I like to think (errr make that hope) that they aren’t that smart.

Rabbis are educated. One would think a rabbi could correctly spell Pontius Pilate.

Huh? It’s insulting to have a child named after you?


I’ll leave it to you to make the logical connection…

While you’re alive, it is.

The idea is that you name children after people you loved who have passed away. A little of the person you loved is somehow carried on in the new baby, to replace (at least a little) the person you miss.

If you name a child after someone still living, what you’re doing, in essence, is saying “You can die now–I’ve already replaced you,” or “You’re dead to me.” It’s a pretty major insult, yeah.

Wow. That’s fascinating. The SDMB is an epistemological spa.

In other words, and this occasion requires a mixed metaphor, we’ve let the litmus cat out of the bag.

It sure doesn’t take the heat out of the burn, though. Yikes, htns.

That’s ridiculous. People name their children after close friends and relatives all the time. My nephew was named after my father, who - last I checked - was still alive. I myself was named after an uncle who had long since passed away, but I was also named for a close friend of my parents.

It’s a great, great honor to have a child named after you, not an insult.

That’s funny, you don’t look Jewish! :slight_smile:

“My one and only son, I have taken the momentous occasion of your birth…to take a potshot at that theiving rat bastard uncle of mine!”

For you, yes, it would be. But not for me. Look–different cultures have different standards about lots of things people do, including naming children. And why should it strike you as ridiculous that something thought of as an honor among one group of people could be considered an insult by a different group?

It might have helped if you’d been more specific about which group you were referring to.


Well, he DID misspell “Rosencrantz,” which may tend to support the SF plant hypothesis. :slight_smile:

Still, his initial foray into the linked thread, ascribed mental illness to the Stormfronters on a wholesale basis. While the contradictory response was immediate, it was not necessarily predictable, in the form that it took. I’m not particularly inclined to credit Stromfronters as capable of formulating such a “wheels within wheels” approach. I’d be more inclined to expect to find him aligned with the JDL, myself.

Yes I DO see the flaw inherent in my characterization of Stormfronters as incapable of such a subtle strategy. But my opinion of Rabbi Rosencratz’s leanings remains as I have stated.

Scribble != Duck Duck Goose. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen on a message board in my life.

That’s what you think.

You haven’t been on many message boards, have you? :rolleyes:

Q.E.D., have you been on lots of message boards?