Real headlines related to trump and his enablers that sound like made-up 'The Onion'-style joke headlines

Wow, that one’s more scary than funny :astonished:

The idea that any of these headlines are true about a man who was, and may again be, the president of the United States, is scary.


Faking a Time magazine cover is the most Trump thing ever

Goddamn, I was going to say, “The rules are it has to be the real headline!” and then I clicked the link.

I know, that’s what I thought about @enipla’s light switch article!

I liked this one better. It lets one assume that it’s only a partial gag order because no full-sized gag could ever fully block his big mouth.

Dammit. I swear there’s an image of Trump sitting with tighty whiteys over his head out there, but I can’t find it.

Use your imaginations.

Fuck you, no.

Okay, you asked for it. I came across this.

Everything about trump is like an Onion article. Except none of the Onion writers could dream up trump in his entire hideousness. I don’t fault them for that.

Damn you to hell.

I love it!

My work here is done.

Since older headlines are okay, here is a topic that I’m sure everyone knows about but come on, how are these not from The Onion? (These headlines are almost the same but not quite so I posted both.)

Trump suggests ‘injection’ of disinfectant to beat coronavirus and ‘clean’ the lungs

Trump dangerously suggests sunlight and ingesting disinfectants could help cure coronavirus

“Person, woman, man, camera, TV”: Trump describes difficulty of recent cognitive test

Total Eclipse: Trump Ignores Pleas of ‘Don’t Look!’ to Stare Directly at the Sun

https: //

… and as for his being appointed Speaker…