Realistic reaction if McCain wins EVERY state?

McGovern won a state and a district.

The question concerned this election, not any hypothetical election.

Different story – and even McGovern won Minnesota and DC.

If the video was released very close to the election, even if it was real, there would be considerable debate as to whether it was real or not. If Obama insisted it was not, there would be plenty of doubters, enough for him to at least get a few states that lean strongly Democratic.

If the video was released early enough that it’s authenticity could be verified, Obama would probably be pressured into dropping from the ticket and the Democrats would run someone else in his place. They would lose the election, but again, would probably pick up a few states.

Only way it could cost him EVERY state was if the video was released on election day or the day before, and Obama admitted it was him, and the Democrats had no chance to replace him on the ticket. Even then, I think he might win some of the Democratic strongholds.

It would be a shock if McCain won…period. If he won every state I’d have to say that, for once, I’d be on the side of the anti-Republican VOTER FRAUD folks here on the SD. It would be a slam dunk IMHO…unless, as others pointed out, there was a really bad October Surprise against Obama that made it impossible for people to vote for the man. Even then I’d STILL be shocked if McCain carried every state.


If it appeared that McCain had won the election by winning every state, I would simply turn the tint knob on my TV. It would be immediately obvious that somebody had changed all the blue to red before I tuned into the news.

McGovern won Mass. and DC. You’re thinking of Mondale.

Massachusetts, Minnesota, McGovern, and Mondale. All those ‘M’ words were confusing.

Right you are. :smack:

In all honesty, even though the scenario is not likely, I’d think there would be some serious talk in the state assemblies about appointing a different set of electors. In the Florida 2000 debacle, the Florida state assembly was considering appointing electors while the supreme court battles were going on.

edited: thought this was in the Pit, apologies

Then brooms. (SHENANIGANS!)

Even the McCain campaign acknowleges it’s not going to sweep the country and has conceded some states to Obama. Nobody expects McCain to win in Illinois or New York or Massachusetts. The chance of McCain winning all fifty states is about as likely as Ralph Nader winning the election - theoretically possible but never going to happen in the reality.

If McCain somehow did win in all fifty states, there would certainly be loud protests of voting fraud followed by official investigations. McCain’s presidency would be so tarnished that he’d be better off having won a close election.

If it happens I’ll join ya’ll at the barricades because there will be no doubt that the fix was in.


Really, what exactly is the point of this thread?

I mean, I both think Obama is going to win and hope he does, but if he won every single state–short of McCain showing up at a public rally the night before the election, delivering an obscenity-laced diatribe in which he denounced the American people as a bunch of whiners who frankly deserve to be taken over by Talibanesque Islamic radicals in order to teach us a lesson, specifically called out the Mormon church as a devil-worshipping cult*, and then sodomized a goat–I’d have to believe someone had pulled shenanigans somewhere. (And I would be against that.)

*Utah being one of the more reliably Republican states in the Union in Presidential elections.

Short of something totally bizarre and utterly improbable, on the level of one or the other candidate pulling off the rubber facemask to reveal the Reptiloid beneath, Obama is not going to win Utah. McCain is not going to win Illinois.

There would be massive outrage on the left, because it would look like an obvious example of fraud. Almost as bad as the kind of “election” you see in dictatorships where 90% of the votes supposedly go for the dictator.

The right would claim it was a mandate, and dismiss the left as a bunch of conspiracy theorists.

The middle would be doubtful, but probably go along with the right. Admitting that election fraud can happen here, even in theory, is a political taboo. As is believing in anything that gets labeled a “conspiracy theory”; because, you know, in all of history bad people have never cooperated or done anything sneaky.

Bottom line; McCain would probably get to keep his stolen election.

Nitpick: it would be far easier for McCain to win IL than from him to win HI. 14% lead versus 41%.

Universal rioting, followed by an assassination.

Then, OMFG, President Palin.:eek:

More rioting, another assassination, followed by a military coup.

Eventually . . . Obama becomes president, because nobody else wants the job.

Obama still gets Washington, D.C., right?

Heck, if Obama took every state, I’d suspect widespread fraud.

I’d see what’s on the other channel.

If such a scenario were to happen, everybody at Diebold would get a bump in their Christmas bonus for yet another perfect election fraud.

Shortly afterwards, riots the likes of which you have never seen and because there are only about 9 people in the National Guard who are not in Iraq, there would be no way to control them. Then again, I guess that would be one way to help people get food, gas, new cars and plasma televisions during the looting - so, hey, it wouldn’t be all bad. Odd way to boost the economy, but I am sure the Republicans would then simply bail out the businesses and give them a couple thousand trillion dollars to make up for it all…hell, this country is made of money to throw around.

“What do you mean the US has no money…we still have paper at the mint!”