And I can prove it.
March of '05 – I wake up in the middle of the night to find myself with a full-blown cold. I get up, grumble a whole lot, and post this thread. The next morning, the cold is gone and I feel great.
Earlier this month – I feel the tell-tale signs of a cold creeping up on me. I post this thread, and by the end of the day everything is back to normal.
Now, as I enter day three of Life In Head Cold Hell, it occurs to me that putting up those two posts actually cured both of those colds. So, here we go:
“Waa waa waa, I have a cold. Drip drip dip, sneeze honk retch.”
There we go…that oughta do it. By this evening, I should be feeling 100% again.
Best $7.48 I ever spent.
Are you sure it’s not a wool allergy?
Someone email me when the sheep jokes are played out, please.
Here we are…a day later, and I’m feeling great. Thanks for the cure, SDMB!
Heretic! You belittle the power of the SDMB. It also cures the plague and leprosy.
And anthrax, if you hang around sheep a lot (is it played out yet?)
Hot piss. Looks like you’re right as rain.
Come back when we can cure you of the clap, the pox, or some other malady you’ve gone and infected yourself with from the swamps of Jersey.
You guys have many posts. As long as the story of Hal-loving-sheep gets told, it’ll never die.
I know I haven’t finished picking on it yet. Lord knows I’ve tried.
Does it work if you just tack on to a thread, or do you need to start your own bitch-fest for the full benefits?
I guess I’ll know if I wake up feeling better tomorrow.
Glad you’re feeling better, Hal.
:eek: You mean it doesn’t ? Because that was kind of my plan for the evening. Please work on a cure by tomorrow morning. Thanks.