Riding the tide - sex during menstruation

** Kaje**'s reference to the first woman he made love to as his First Fuck belongs in the thread about the least romantic thing ever said!
** Gundy, **my ex-husband was freaked out with sex during my period for the first five years we were married, but while on vacation he decided to go there and ( a nod to ** Hamadryad **) exactally 9 months later, my son was born. He would then on occasion consent to sex while I was flowing, but it was never his favorite. After I divorced him, my first boyfriend wondered why I was reluctant the first time I had my period with him and he went out of his way to reassure me he not only didn’t mind, but anticipated it eagerly, as in his opinion, women were twice as hot at that time of month.
In contrast, my former fiance was so phobic he’d schedule business trips. If he was home, he’d gaze at me morosely and whine “aren’t you over it yet?”, like I intentionally was cutting him off.
I was cautious about it with my SO, having had bad experiences, but he is not concerned with the mess at all. And imagine my surprise and delight when he just went for the magic button! I’m going to marry this man!

I do not feel sexy during my period. Period. My husband has to make do with blowjobs for five days, the poor baby.

I wonder if it’s an age thing?..When I was younger (17 or so) I remember talking to my friends about it, and we all agreed that it was gross. Once I got a little older, specifically, when I had a live-in partner, I found that I didn’t care. While I don’t know if I’d go down with nothing in place that time of month, leaving the tampon in works well enough for me. At 29, there’s not much at all that would make me not want my wife, certainly not a little blood.

It’s official! Y’all are SICK.

After the 500th time I flipped open the top of the bathroom trashcan to find used menstral products or noticed rust colored stains in the laundry or on the bedsheets, I dare say I became a bit blasé to the entire Cyclical Miracle of Womanhood.

Sweetie, it’s not because our past boyfriends were grossed out, it’s because we’re grossed out! It’s not a pleasant experience, feeling like your insides are going to fall out through your cervix, bleeding all over the place, cramps, bloating…all in all it’s not exactly a walk in the park.

I’ve only had one boyfriend who reacted to the idea of sex during menstruation with complete horror. When I confronted him on the issue, he muttered something idiotic about my being “unclean.”

I believe he still walks with a limp.

Well, when I was younger, I did consider it kinda gross, but I still did it - I wasn’t stupid enough to turn down sex. :smiley:


Yes. My former partner would not have sex with me while I was on the rag. Of course, it got to the point eventually where he could have worked for Domino’s - thirty minutes or less or your next one’s free…

I will not go into my current relationship here. If the Saint wants to, that’s fine. But it’s not my place.

But I’m happy all the time. :smiley:

If you can’t get the service you want at home, look elsewhere. hey, that’s what competition is all about. This sailor hereby offers to satisfy any ladies who can’t get no satisfaction from their regular mates on those days. Satisfaction guaranteed.

I cannot wait for OhDope.

If manny can’t take me I might have to steal a car or learn to hitch hike.

This is one of the great boundary exploration areas for lovers, isn’t it? I remember providing wake-up service for a college sweetie - if I was slow enough and gentle enough I could be fully insider her with a tantric swell before she really woke up. One morning I had the additional challenge of removing the mouse, a procedure which I also enjoyed (especially once I figured out how to relieve the suction with my finger).

She woke up with a contented gurgle in her throat and started to rock slowly into me, drawing me deeper with each rolling circle of her hips while the pace began to intensify. Eventually we reached the “athletic” phase with all body parts fully engaged and galloping, when suddenly she jerked to a violent halt, eyes wide, mouth agape. An instant later she pulled her knees to her chest, planted her feet on my abdomen and launched me hard across the room, producing a faintly slurping champagne cork pop followed by the crash of my body against the nightstand.

Although she was eventually able to laugh about it when I produced the tampon in question, I can imagine some pretty unpleasant thoughts had been going through her mind.

That it’s unreasonable not to, but…

…If she doesn’t want me to and I also don’t like the idea…

…do we have to?

Of course you have to. It’s #38 in the Handbook of Sex Rules.

Listen, my boyfriend doesn’t care for the idea. No big deal, says I, I can wait a week. I just think it’s silly. Also, he asserted that he has a lot of company in the way he feels…but that company ain’t in here.

I forgot to mention Instead
Instead is like a diaphram—you insert it and it caps your cervix, inhibiting your menstrul flow for a few hours. As a replacement for a tampon, I wouldn’t trust it, but as a recreational device, it’s great.

I’ve used Instead, and it works nicely - especially on medium flow days - but during, um, particularly energetic activity I’ve had it shift and leak on me. And the bed.

Sex during the cycle? Sure, if I’m up to it. Generally, I’m not in the mood so hubby makes do with, ahem, other services.

Not a big deal to me, but sometimes my flow is so heavy that the shower would be the only way to go.

Only one guy I’ve been with has ever not wanted to, and quite frankly, it was just one more symptom of his overall immaturity. I didn’t keep him long. All the others shrugged and went for it, including the guy I lost my virginity to (and he did everything). I’m starting to feel really lucky!

My first boyfriend was very hemophobic (sanguiphobic? getting my Greek and Latin mixed up) and the mere thought that I might be leaking blood from anywhere on my body made him physically ill. He would have nothing to do with me until I was “done.” He also wigged out when I got paper cuts, though.

Personally, I’m cool with it as long as I’m not feeling too icky. (my second boyfriend, while willing to creak the bedsprings while Auntie Flo was in town, never did understand when I refused on the grounds of feeling icky)


I’ve never had a problem doing “it” during my SO’s time of the month. In fact I actually like it, it’s diffrent in there for some reason. She is still suprised that I like it though.

I actually look forward to her getting it, but that could because the week prior she is in a “don’t you dare touch me” mood. Thats the time of month I HATE :slight_smile: