Well not perhaps the OMLY thing…
But still…give it a fucking gawd damn break.
An old guy that that died at a ripe ole age of fracking 88 died.
A famous guy that got elected multiple times by perhaps what what maybe the most famous/most populous//most edumuacted city on this planet.
And I say this as perhaps one of the most southern, redneck, pieces of shit posters on this board. I hate yankees/snowbirds. I think the civil war was a crock of shit. No doubt you can find posts of mine that paint me as racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, conservative, enviromental hating, blahhh blahhh piece of shit around these here parts.
And do I think upon occasion the modding around here sucks donkey balls.
But you know what?
You were a thread shitting dick in that thread.
Yeah, I said that. A THREAD SHITTING DICK.
Hell…throw the word CUNT in there for good measure.
Folks you don’t agree with a 100 percent are not fucking evil incarnate.
About half of the worlds folks are not happy about abortions. The other half not so much. Does that make by definition either way you look at it about half the world EVIL?
No, it does fucking not.
Get a fracking clue.
When somebody DIES. Read that carefully. GAWD DAMN FUCKING DIES. And somebody starts an at least semi respectable RIP thread about it…quite fucking pulling on your internet dick for a moment and THINK about what you are posting for a gawd fucking second.
And I say this as perhaps one of the most conservative/free speech live beyotch! posters around these here part.
Fuck, I agree with most all of Starving Artists posts for Petes sake!
Grow the fuck up, get a pair, get a brain, and get fucking clue as when and or how to post something in a RIP thread about someone you might not like.
Fuck You.
I figure I am getting a warning so I might as well make it worth my while.