Rush Limbaugh Rushed to Hospital

Sad but not surprising - it’s not as if he’s been in good health since…well, ever, really. Between the weight issues and the drugs, his heart’s had a hard time of it over the years.

There’s not many people on my “Wishing A Speedy Death To” list, but this raving fuckwit is pretty high up on it.

Rot In Pieces, Rush.

Maybe it will work as a Rush Motel[sup]TM[/sup] : “Rush checks in. He doesn’t check out.” :smiley:

You omitted: “…and carefully pplaced a seies of demolitions satchel charges in the Nursery”.

I hate to go around wishing death upon someone…but I have to say I agree with this.

Don’t think about it as “wishing death”; think of it as the speeding up of nature.

His heart is two sizes too small. I hate to wish death on anyone, but I’ll make an exception in his case. Die, scum.

You guys are pigs. The delight on this board for someone who is ill, just because you disagree with him politically, sickens me.

Now I feel bad… oh, hang on, no I don’t!

I’ll grant you that it is in questionable taste to take pleasure in another’s misfortune. However, to characterize animosity toward Rush Limbaugh as founded in mere political disagreement is like saying Charles Manson was just going through a rough patch and should be allowed to work it out. Limbaugh doesn’t merely articulate his positions and reasoning. The typical Limbaugh program is a dirty slag heap of innuendo, exaggeration, rumor, and assorted assertions of scatalogical character. It is tough to feel sorry for the guy.

For the record … I didn’t post the OP in order to laugh in glee at Rush’s misfortune (although I knew those responses would be inevitable). I just figured it was breaking news and it was going to end up on these boards sooner or later. I could have been a real dick and just started this off in the Pit (any bets on how many posts until it gets moved there?).

What I would pay good solid cash to see is a picture of Obama (who’s in Hawaii too, non?) visiting Rush in the hospital to wish him well. Just think of the entertainment inherent in a picture like that. The left would canonize Obama immediately, and the right would shit him like it was a picture of Obama beating Rush with a club.

Dear President Obama, please visit one of your largest constituents to wish him well. And bring a camera. I’m begging you.

It has been established that there is no obligation to say nice things, or to refrain from hostile comments, about a public figure who is dead or dying, esp. in a thread that begins with a neutral OP. If and when Rush Limbaugh dies, if someone starts a memorial thread intended for his fans, there might be a problem with negative remarks in such a thread – and if and when that happens, we’ll deal with it.

At this point, in this thread, all I ask is that you remember you’re not in the Pit and try to keep things withing spitting distance of civility.


twickster, MPSIMS moderator

Now, now. I don’t wish death on dear old Rushie; I don’t wish death on anyone. Simply going away would be quite enough.

Limbaugh is on my list of “People I do my Happy Dance for when I find out they are dead.” I Happy-Danced for Michael Jackson this year. So sue me.


Naw, this conservative wishes him ill, too. Not that I’m saying he should die (like Ivylass said, that’s sick), I’d be perfectly happy if his show was canceled or something. He’s embarrassing.

Bring back William Safire and William Buckly. :frowning:

Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus.

Now that would be ghoulish! (Seeing how they’re both dead and all.)

Pelosi’s in Hawaii right now, too. If Rush’s heart hasn’t given out by now, a visit from Nancy might do the trick.

I know. I was thinking of maybe a trade: we give the afterlife Rush, they give back one of the Williams. Or both, if we’re going by weight here.