Same band name, album title, and song title

Boyz 'n da Hood


Oh did I search for this one…

Foo Fighters’ first album “Foo Fighters” unfortunately did not have a track called Foo Fighters…
Renaissance’s first album “Renaissance” unfortunately did not have a track called Renaissance…
Prince’s second album “Prince” unfortunately did not have a track called Prince…
Mother Love Bone’s second album “Mother Love Bone” unfortunately did not have a track called Mother Love Bone (but did have the track “Bone China”)…
Alice In Chain’s third album “Alice In Chains” unfortunately did not have a track called Alice In Chains…
Dada’s fourth album “Dada” unfortunately did not have a track called Dada…
Levelers’ fourth album “Levelers” unfortunately did not have a track called Levelers…
Interpol’s fourth album “Interpol” unfortunately did not have a track called Interpol…
Nirvana’s seventh album “Nirvana” unfortunately did not have a track called Nirvana…
Pearl Jam’s eighth album “Pearl Jam” unfortunately did not have a track called Pearl Jam…

Peter Gabriel’s first 4 albums, all titled “Peter Gabriel” did not have a tracked called Peter Gabriel…
Led Zeppelin’s first 4 albums, all titled “Led Zeppelin” did not have a tracked called Led Zeppelin…

However, as much as it pains me to share this, New Kids on the Block’s first album "New Kids on the Block’ did have a track called New Kids on the Block…

Only if their s/t song comes out 20 years after their s/t album, it doesn’t count if it’s on the same one here.

Another near miss:

Back in the Seventies, there was a soul group called the Chairmen of the Board. Their first album was entitled “The Chairman of the Board.”

And on their SECOND album, “In Session,” they had a song called (singular) “Chairman of the Board.”

The band Youth of Today had a song called “Youth of Today.” Alas, it was on one of their earlier albums and not on their self-titled 7".

Queen II by Queen has tracks “White Queen” and “The March of the Black Queen.”

The album Mott by Mott the Hoople contains the track “Ballard of Mott the Hoople.”

(They also made albums called Mott the Hoople and The Hoople, but those do not contain any relevantly named tracks.)

Oh, and “Who Are You?” by The Who, is on the album “Who Are You?” That is close, I think.

“Meat Puppets,” Meat Puppets, by Meat Puppets.

Cypress Hill’s album Cypress Hill had the song “The Funky Cypress Hill Shit.”

Kid Rock’s album Kid Rock doesn’t have a song named “Kid Rock,” but he says it in almost every song.

Ah, great examples… but can you come up with one, on a major label, that almost no one* has heard?

The Corporation, The Corporation, by The Corporation. On Capitol, late 60s Angst-Rock.

*unless your last name is Kebbekus. No one I know outside that family has ever believed me when I bring it up in a “bands from the 60s” discussion…

Yet another close call: “Clash City Rockers” on the Clash’s eponymous LP.

And Bob Dylan’s album The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan contained “Bob Dylan’s Blues” and “Bob Dylan’s Dream”.

And then there was “Ram On”, on the album Ram, by Paul McCartney (who used to use the stage name Paul Ramon)… yeah I know that’s really reaching.

Damn Yankees on Damn Yankees by Damn Yankees

As long as we’re still playing…

“Automatic Man” on Automatic Man by Automatic Man. handy link

Similar to Return To Forever, Roine Stolt put out an album called The Flower King with a song by the same name that is now considered the first Flower Kings album.

Gypsy’s eponymous debut had Gypsy Queen part 1 and Gypsy Queen part 2

More two-fers (band & album name): Little Feat, 10cc, Sea Level, Loverboy, Cracker, The Smiths, The Cribs, Peter Frampton, Menudo, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Blink-182, NSYNC, 98 Degrees, Barry Manilow, Blondie, Ramones, The Boomtown Rats, Television, Cheap Trick, Badfinger, The Cure, No Doubt, The Verve Pipe, Korn, Rage Against the Machine, Cypress Hill, Fishbone, Violent Femmes, Stone Temple Pilots, The Frogs, Widespread Panic, Ok Go, Queens of the Stone Age

Porno For Pyros: Porno For Pyros: Porno For Pyros
House of Pain: House of Pain: House of Pain (Anthem)

Even though the original album was under the Black Sabbath moniker, in 2007 I saw Heaven And Hell playing “Heaven And Hell” from the Heaven And Hell album.

“Big Blue Ball” by Big Blue Ball, from Big Blue Ball. Although this was more of a various artists-style collaboration than a band as such.

Devo almost pulled this off on their debut album, but not quite.

Interestingly enough, Rage Against the Machine, whose first album was called Rage Against the Machine, was named after a song (“Rage Against the Machine”) that was performed by RATM’s singer’s previous band but never released.

It is hard to for me to discuss Rage Against the Machine, as I am still quite scarred from their stunt at Lollapalooza in Philadelphia in 1993:

This is a joke, right? Tipper Gore was far more powerful and visible in the PMRC days than she was during the Clinton administration.

I have a buddy that used to challenge each other on ideas like this. I’m surprised Bad Company is not on the list, unless abbreviations are not acceptable. The band Bad company, released an album Bad Co., withe the song Bad Company on it. We used to sit around and think of goofy stuff like this all the time. We also used to try to come up with songs that were done by different groups that had the same song title, different songs (i.e. not cover tunes). One example would be Wish You Were Here, Alice Cooper/ Pink Floyd. I came up with around 150 songs like this, of course this was 20+ years ago. Have fun…