Say hello to Shiloh! (kitty pics)

I have a new kitten!.. first time in 18 years I’ve dealt with a kitten and I am re-learning EVERYTHING. :smiley: Baby was my only other kitten, and he’s now gone. My other cats have all been rescues and full grown. So I’m starting from scratch and realizing all over again just how much work a kitten is - sort of YIKES and FUN at the same time. :smiley:

I brought Shiloh home yesterday and he’s already quite comfy here. Rummy and Anna aren’t too sure about this new ball of fluff, but they’re getting more used to the idea hour by hour. Rummy is actually doing really good and he and Shiloh have sniffed each other over and made friends. Anna however is another ballgame. She’s my CH cat and so is terrified of any new animal because of her balance issues - makes a LOT of noise to let them know she is a scary and tough cat not to be messed with (when in fact she is nothing of the sort). That’s all she does is make a godawful noise - but she sends Rummy and Shiloh both running when she does it. I finally took a towel and rubbed it all over Shiloh, then all over Anna, then all over Rummy and just kept going back and forth between them all with it so their scents would mix. That’s helped a bit for Anna and she’s toned down the noise to an acceptable level. So hopefully we’re over the worst of it.

Shiloh is 11 weeks old this week, and is a Siberian cat. He was the only boy in his litter and will be a BIG boy when he’s full grown. I wanted a kitty that would match Baby’s personality and size as close as possible, and this breed did it.
Shiloh at 10 weeks
Shiloh at 9 weeks
Shiloh at 8 weeks
These photos are from the breeder… I haven’t managed to get anything except fuzzy grey blurs when I try for a shot here -he is constantly on the move! :slight_smile: Will do more pics when I can get them if you guys would like to see more - his batteries have to run out sometime, right? Anyway, not much of a post here, but I just had to share with you guys my new family member, and let everyone know that the cat number is now back to the proper 3 that works so well for my household. :slight_smile:

By the way - how much “kitten” can heavy drapes take before they fall? I suspect I’m going to find out soon… :eek:

loses mind

Oh, he’s a beauty. And so fluffy!

I really try to avoid typing “OMG” on this board, but … OMG!! What a cutie!

I’m in the same situation as you, Fluffy. I lost the last kitty I had as a kitten two years ago when she was 19. The cats I’ve gotten in those years have all been adult shelter or rescue cats. I’ve been thinking “kitten” quite a bit. I’ll be following your posts with interest, and I do hope he slows down for pictures!

You know you gotta say that in the right voice, aye? Meh, might not matter since this is how I hear that phrase in my head now.

Okay typing has become difficult… and he managed to change my “pictures” folder to “yyyyyyyy”… and he typed an email all by himself which I barely caught before he sent it… talk about a new laptop model… :eek:

Shiloh looks great! I hope that you have many happy years together.

Shiloh is so cute that even this solidly dog person wants to play with him.:slight_smile:

:frowning: 404 page not found

How did you get him to do the Burt Reynolds* pose?

*May not be work safe.

You’d better password your computers now. That’s what I had to do after UPS delivered a 200 lb case of catnip COD. Who ever imagined a cat could look so innocent? :mad:

One of mine managed to get into trouble and to protest his innocence to the SDMB, if this thread is to be believed.

[scoops up baby fuzzball for snuggles] SQUEE!!!

Hopefully, Anna calms down soon. As for the batteries running out, I think it’s going to be a while (like a few months at least). I’d make sure the drape hardware is solid, and get ready to replace the fabric.

Dawwwwwwwww. Thanks for sharing. Snap a pic of Shiloh sniffing noses with his new roommates for us … ?

Very cute and fluffy kitteh! Congratulations on the new addition to the cat family!

So cute! I like how his nose is 2 colours.


:eek:Wha happened? Let’s try again…

Breakfast this morning - Anna, Shiloh, Rummy
Got up for lunch at noon - came back to find this. He stayed there ALL AFTERNOON sleeping. Lazy bum.
Got his booster shots at the vet this morning so I suspect that’s what made him so sleepy.
Anna in the hammock, Shiloh in my chair
Taking a break from play

Beauoooootiful kitty.

Nuclear grade adorable.