Typically, established leagues don’t put (recruiting) in their title because they typically retain everyone when they can, so when they occasionally need some new blood, potential new players don’t venture into their threads to find out there’s an open slot.
Which is why I’m creating this thread. If you have a league that needs to fill a full slot, post the status in here and see if anyone who’s looking for a league might be interested.
It appears some of the SDMB leagues I run may be short a few players.
Most urgently, because the draft takes place a week from now, we’re so far 3 short in the auction league. Only one person has quit, and two of the other people may still sign up - but while I’ve tried to give them as much time as possible to sign up, it’s getting too late.
The auction league is in its 4th year. The league has 12 members and uses the default yahoo scoring system. The most notable aspect, of course, is that it’s an auction draft format.
If you’re unfamiliar with auction drafts, rather than drafting in any particular order, everyone gets a certain amount of monopoly money (typically $200) to build a team with. Owners in order nominate players for bidding, and then you have typically 30 seconds (with time extending after last second bids) to bid. Whoever bids the most wins that player. Elite players like Chris Johnson might go for $65, and towards the end backup QBs might go for $3. For typical auction prices you can see our draft resultsfrom last year.
Auction drafts are a lot of fun. You’re involved in every pick, not just one pick per round. Any player could end up being bid up to less than you think their true value is, and so you can put in your bid. You have way more control over your final roster - rather than having the person ahead of you snatch the player you’ve really wanted one slot ahead of you, you always have the option of overpaying a bit to get your guy. There are multiple viable draft strategies, like spending huge for two elite players and trying to assemble a team with the few remaining bucks, or lurking around waiting for unexpected great values. In general, it’s just a lot more fun (IMO) and pretty much everyone I’ve done an auction draft with has liked it a lot.
The drafts take about 25% longer than a serpentine draft. We used to draft on ESPN and then transfer the rosters over to yahoo, but yahoo implemented auction drafts this year so we can do it their. Their system is good.
If you’re not sure if you’d like it or not, you can try a mock auction draft. The players there may not be too serious, but you’ll see how the system works there.
We may need up to 3 players in the league. It’s very competitive and has a history, so I can only accept people who are serious about FF (you don’t have to be great, but you do have to at least play out the year even if your team sucks), and because having autodraft teams in an auction draft sucks even more than in a regular draft, you have to be able to attend the drafts.
So if you’re interested in that league, and you can attend the draft on Tuesday Aug 31 at 9:45pm EST, send me a PM.
The next league up is the Big League. This league is a huge and deep league, where we have 20 owners. The talent gets spread really thin and you’ll be choosing between playing a 3rd down RB or a 4th WR/returner in your flex spot. It’s different, but a lot of fun.
This league also switched to auction drafting this year for reasons explained in the thread. If you’re interested in the league, and can attend the draft on Tuesday, Sep 7 at 9:15pm eastern (with auctions, it’s very important to attend the drafts) you can sign up at:
League ID#: 14354
League Name: SDMB Big League
Password: cecil
As of this post, we have 6 slots open.
We also may have one spot open in the all pro league. This is a pretty exclusive league and I only invite people who are clearly dedicated FF players. If you’re interested in that, you can send a PM.
If anyone else wants to use this thread to post about openings in their league, please do.