SDMB Monthly Photo Competition - rolling discussion thread

10.19 GMT, so we’re closed and woah! is the quality good this month. Best yet, I would say.


Did @TwoCarrotSnowman forget to enter his own contest again?

Hi folks, officially closing it now, a little later than planned due to being out gallivanting this evening. I’ll update the thread now, and get the voting thread up and running tomorrow.

I didn’t forget this time, I just kind of ran out of time to enter - it’s been a busy month and I was away for a chunk of the time the competition was open. The main thing is though that we had lots of great entries. :slight_smile:

Voting is open, in the competition thread as usual. Good luck everyone!

Well, that went well. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks to those who pointed out the polls were broken and only letting you select one item per list. Misconfiguration on my part. I can’t edit the post, so I’ve recreated the poll (behaving as planned this time) and closed the original.

I’ve got my votes in nice and early this month. Again, it was very hard to choose - some amazing shots.

I don’t get the math. 37 voters only cast 45 votes, Is that right?

I agree that 45 votes have been cast across both polls. Where did you get 37 voters from? As things stand the first poll has 15 voters and the second has 12, although it’s likely that people have cast their three votes across both polls, so people will be counted twice.

It’s worth reiterating that the reason we have two polls - which complicates things - is a technical limit on the forum software. We are limited by default to 20 items per poll, which isn’t enough for all our entries. That can apparently be changed, and I’ve asked the mods if we could increase that limit to 50. If so, voting would get much more straightforward and transparent.

In the meantime, when the time comes to tally the votes, I’ll do it by using the Discourse API to access the actual number of votes cast for each entry in each poll (rather than the percentages displayed on the page) so that we’ll know how many votes each photo got regardless of which poll it was in. This is a bit of a hack that won’t be necessary if we can get all the entries in a single poll.

Oh I see what I missed. So 15 people had 45 votes available in poll A but they only used 27. That left 18 which were cast by 12 of the same voters in poll B. That works.

Close to 25 years and Dopers still wanna get all mathy for shits and giggles.

In an artistic thread, no less! :grinning:

Do I have to go sit in the corner?

I just gotta say, there were too many wonderful choices this time. I really struggled to get it down to 3 votes only and still feel several amazing photos were shortchanged!

We have many fabulous photographers on this board.

Thanks for running the competitions, @TwoCarrotSnowman. :slight_smile:

Thanks, and I agree!

One of my goals in setting this up was to give myself a kick up the backside to get out and take more photos - that’s only been partially successful, but I do hope to start submitting freshly-taken photos if I can.

Hi all, and (another) apology - I’ve just closed the voting, which by rights I should have done on Monday. Mea Culpa.

I’m happy to announce that @Turek is this month’s winner! Well done, I thought it was a fantastic shot, and I don’t mind saying that it got one of my votes.

@Turek - this means you get to pick the next topic- please can you PM me your choice? As ever, I’ll gently point to the guidance as to what makes a good topic, which you’ll find in the OP of this thread. Congrats again! :slight_smile:

Absolutely, totally agree that @Turek’s image deserves the win. Congrats!


Thanks everyone. It was a drizzly, cold day in Iceland when I took that shot and several more.

And, not wasting any time, the next competition thread is up. This month’s theme, chosen by @Turek, is “water”. As always, interpret that however you like. :slight_smile:

As usual, the submission and voting deadlines are in the first post in the competition thread. Excitingly, the awesome @engineer_comp_geek has arranged to increase the number of options we’re allowed in a single poll, so hopefully the awkward “multiple polls” is a thing of the past. I’m off to test that in ATMB now.

I can already tell you it works. I created a poll in the “polls only” thread this morning and accidentally discovered that I could add more than 20 options.

Thank you, @engineer_comp_geek! This is big news.
