SDMB Photo Manipulation Thread -- Show us what you can do

As many of you undoubtedly recall, for years, Cracked ran what they called “photoplasty contests,” where the idea was to use picture-manipulation software (e.g. Photoshop, GIMP, or even Paint) to produce an artwork that accorded to a theme. Winners there won cash; runners-up won bragging rights. We tried the same thing here, in Thread Games, here:

… but it didn’t gain much traction. We did, however, have a few enthusiastic participants, and after discussion, realized that we weren’t really playing a game as much as we were following a theme, explaining our interpretation if necessary, and commenting on each other’s work. We also realized that the “game” aspect might have turned a few designers off, so we’d like to expand our participants.

Thus this thread. Just show off; show us what you can do, with no pressure. Right now, we’ve been dealing with “Front Page Headlines that would Shock,” and you can see our examples at the link, but I’d suggest that anybody can suggest anything, and can comment on posted images, even if they don’t participate. Let’s give it a try.

@Spoons, I didn’t realize you had started the new thread here.

Here’s one for a “new drug ad.”

@Tibby, thanks for responding. I thought this thread was going to fall off the radar.

Nice drug ad–love the side effects, but I have to ask: how did you get the “neutral” (don’t know what else to call them) faces tilted like that?

I’ll try to come up with one of my own in the next couple of days. Good theme!

I like doing fake magazine covers. Here’s my dog making history.

Google Photos

eta: how do you size pictures to fit in the post?


Thanks. Looking forward to your next ‘plasty.

Re: the neutral face “pills”: I modeled them in Cinema 4D (a 3d modeling program), rendered as PNG with transparency, imported into Photoshop, then Illustrator.

Well, not my best effort, but inspired by “pharmaceutical ads,” suggested by @Tibby , here’s one of mine:

It seems to me to be a little unbalanced, but like I said, it’s not my best effort. Anyway, if you don’t make any claims about your pharmaceutical product, you don’t have to list all the side effects–so I let the pictures tell a thousand words. Comments?

For @beowulff , I like it! It is difficult to render angled words, but your “Clouds” post made me smile. Well done!

And to @Just_Asking_Questions , nice work. Is that really your dog? I especially like the Photoshopping of the dog into the mountains–nice work!

I like trying my hand at magazine covers–here’s one I did for something like “TV Show Comics”:

And then there’s this, which I did for something like “How Magazines Can Sell More Copies”:

I am not sure that counts, I hope the upper half qualifies:
or if this food delivery scam is known in the USA
Still working on the newspaper. I am lazy and slow! And get distracted here a lot :grin:

I just like to make fake movie posters.

I like them. Especially your credits list at the bottom. Junh Oiauwmi is getting a lot of work!

Yep, we took his picture in the snow (AZ, not Nepal!) and the light just matched perfect. It’s much easier to drop him in snow than other terrain. You can match texture.

Your Time magazine cover is too spot on.

I did this one years ago… but I can’t remember why.

Here’s one I banged out in a few minutes.

That is right up my level!

And when Notre Dame burnt I had to remark that smoking hurts your cultural heritage:

I love it!

These movie posters remind me - I tried making fake foreign film posters using images found on the web. I’d try to figure out what the movie would be about, and make a title. I’d try to make them obscure, but intriguing. I’m going to have to try some more. I am inspired!

Here’s another magazine cover (click to enlarge):

Fifty dollars?!