Browsing the boards, recently, I’ve been seeing alot of good potential. Though this board brings in alot of trolls and morons per month, it also attracts the occasional shining star of a newbie, who stands out from the first post on.
So, I’m starting this thread, to ensure that the newbies who harness board concepts quicker than others get recognized for their great and glorious achievment. Vote here for the official SDMB Rookie of the Month!
Before we begin, here are the rules:
Everyone may vote once per month. Vote for any newbie that’s caught your eye on the boards, and shows immense promise on the SDMB. It can be somebody funny, somebody intelligent, or somebody who’s not as stupid as everybody else, if it’s a slow month.
Eligible candidates are any poster registered in the month in question. For example, since this is the April voting time, anybody with an April, 2001 registering date will be considered worthy of this thread’s attentions.
Self-promotion and propaganda is highly recommended. If you are a newbie who has registered in the month in question, and know how to work vB coding already, feel free to post links to threads which you think accentuate your unique posting style. If you can’t work coding, well, you’ll just have to do some really convincing dancing.
Regular posters voting for a newbie can also promote their particular choice with links/examples, in order to sway the vote of other posters.
Okay, I’m pretty sure that covers it, but if you have any more questions, feel free to post em here! I’ll choose each winner at the end of the week, based on votes, and the winner shall have the honor of being the official Rookie of the Month!
In his first coupla weeks he plunged right into GQ and GD and quite good naturedly took on the sig campaign that ChiefScott blessed him with. He’s presented himself as caring and intelligent in many threads in this forum. He even seems to have impressed purplebear!
And he plays Amber.
[sub]The fact that he’s my recruit has nothing to do with it. Nope. Not a bit.[/sub]
Good suggestion, Arden. Unfortuntaly, friend Verrain is listed as having registered in March, 2001. Since we’re choosing the newbie for April, I can’t allow him to be up for voting.
<accusing detective voice> But, of course, you KNEW that, DIDN’T you, Miss Ranger? You knew perfectly well that he registered last month, but just thought you’d be Lil-Miss-Ignore-Jester-Cause-He’s-Probably-Too-Stupid-To-See-that-I-broke-the-rules, didn’t you! You just HAD to help out your recruit, eh? EH?!
</accusing detective voice>
In all seriousness, Verrain definitely shows the signs of being a helluva Doper, but I can’t let him in. Rules is rules.
But Jester, it’s only the (counting on fingers) 10th of April. If you choose a rookie of the month now, the newbies who join in the latter part of April won’t get their chance. Besides, we haven’t had a lot of time to interview the newbies, do the evening gown competition, look at nekkid pics, etc. Maybe Arden’s right and we should be reviewing the March crop.
If the opinion of the newbie has any weight, (and I’m guessing it doesn’t but will boldly press on with my thought anyway) I think the month-before formula is more equitable. It allows for a full-month of postings.
Although, I can see benefits to judging the current month’s postings. It would allow us lowly newbies to guage our progress througout the competition and thereby provide us with opportunities to come up with gems of wisdom and wit in hopes of advancing in the ranks.
Alrighty, upon reviewing, I concur with the “month before” suggestion. My official aplogies to Arden for any emotional damage caused by singaling her out.
[sub]You guys are no fun[/sub].
So, I guess we’re now officially choosing March’s Rookie of the Month. Again, please vote!
Oh, and Spider John?
You get Wonderful prize of…pride!
That, and you can put it in your sig, to amaze all your friends.
Now stop with the questions, already! Don’t you think you’ve exposed my faults enough?
Whoa! That’ll teach me to not check back in! I missed the accusing detective’s voice and everything!
Actually, it was late when I nominated Verrain and I didn’t check his registration date. It was close enough to the end of March that I mis-remembered.
But since it has all worked out for the good, I renominate Verrain.
Sorry Zoggie, SexyWriter joined in February IIRC, (I like her too), but Francesca joined in March, and I’ve enjoyed her posts, so I’ll put her name up.
(cough, cough) hey, that Kamandi guy is doing pretty good! Look at the great thread he started in GQ. Interesting question, well written, not too pompous… His command of vB seems to be coming along well. And look at that clever sig! The kid shows promise, If you ask me.
Excellent idea going to the month-before format, since posters who catch on quickly are apt to be those who spend more time reading than posting, and may take more than a few days to come to anyone’s attention.
May I suggest some criteria for gauging whether a poster has caught on to key concepts?
[list=A][li]Demonstrating desired behavior (easy to document)[list=1][]Recognizing the appropriate forum for a given topic[/li][li]Citing sources for answers in GQ[/li][li]Sending an appropriate greeting to Opal at the appropriate time [sup]sub[/sub][/sup][]Using basic and intermediate vB skills without continually asking things like “How do I insert a link?”[]Oh, and I guess being funny and creative and stuff[/list=1][/li]
[li]Not demonstrating regrettable behavior (much more difficult to establish)[list=1][]Not encouraging posters who don’t bother with a search, or who post to the wrong forum[/li][li]Not reviving old threads without a good reason[/li][li]Not triggering accidental smilies or leaving codes switched onWell, this could get kind of long[/list=1][/list=A][/li]
Actually, some of the things in part B could be recast as positive behaviors for part A, and neither list is anywhere near complete, but I really wanted to show off my nested listing skills.
[sup][sub]Peregrine,who was angling for the “highest ratio of content to fluff” award[/sub][/sup]
I nominate Kamandi, because he’s definitely got the sneaky self-promotion stuff down. He can feel free to send me any bribes he had on hand for that purpose. Chocolate is always good.
hmmmm looking for a newbie…a newbie registered in March. Why where ever will you find one that knows how to lean the letters sooo casually? Where ever will you find one that knows how to be bold? Or quote something?
[sub]or make you squint?[/sub] If only I could figure out those little face thingies…But since I don’t see any newbies with those superior smarts I can list my winning qualities.
Somewhat witty
I’m constantly floored by you all. Your like gods to me. I bring offerings of chocolate…lots of chocolate.
Hi Opal. (and I know who Opalcat is! How many newbies can say that.)
Wally seemed cool…wish I had gotten to meet him. The cyber sex bit had me spitting random fluids on my moniter.
Well, my sig is original if anything
So I know I don’t know much but maybe you’ll take pity on me???
[sub]come on, I offered chocolate![/sub]