SDMBisms that irk me for some reason.

Yeah, I always thought it meant “Quit feeding the troll”. It worked most of the time, though every now and then, I wouldn’t quite understand exactly how it was being used. This discovery is a real eye-opener.

“In Soviet Russia” is the stupidest fucking comment ever. Please stop it.

For future reference, that’s QFTT.

Vox Imperatoris

I see you’re right, and thanks, but I’d managed to live a good while, and had never encountered it before I got to the SDMB, and my life was better for it. It seems to have supplanted all synonyms, and it just sounds ridiculous to my ears.

Guess I’ll just have to get over it.

In Soviet Russia, comment fucking stupid you!

Bolding usernames.

I never thought about that. Why DO we bold usernames, anyway?

I’ll agree with a few of the others about “signoffs” or whatever you want to call them. They just take up extra space on the screen and make it take longer to read the thread. Shodan takes like 5 lines for his. Mister Imperius guy (gal? do girls ever use Latin-sounding names?) takes up fewer lines, but it’s still just as annoying.

No offense. :slight_smile:

Geez, y’all are a bunch of hard-asses.

Yes, I sometimes say “methinks” in real life. I also say “meh” occasionally.

Internally, I’m a spelling/grammar nazi. Bad writing makes me cringe. But I rarely let it show in real life, and I don’t believe I’ve ever corrected someone here. But I’ll use things like “teh suxxors” to highlight the inanity of a point I’m making.

I always put usernames in bold and almost never abbreviate them. I’d guess there’s a correlation with my spelling/grammar nazi tendencies.

I’ll use “Hi Opal” for a third list item; I was trained throughout my education to always have three items in a list; even now, after grad school should’ve beaten it out of me, a two-item list looks (and reads) oddly.

I specifically avoid using “Shrub”, “Obamaniac” or other political snideness; there are good, rational people on the “other side of the aisle”, and I expect similar civility from them. Although…sometimes, I totally understand the compulsion and let it slide.

The only thing that really bothers me is when people don’t fully read and understand the post to which they’re responding. Strawmen, thread derailment, and more…it seriously detracts from a discussion.

I could go on, but I’d probably come off as even more of a dipshit than I already have. Ah, well – I yam what I yam.

‘X checking in’. I mean, it’s obviously useful to state your credentials as they apply to the topic of the thread, but doing it this way just seems a bit arrogant, boastful and pretentious – ‘don’t worry kids, now the expert’s here’.

Well, on a message board dedicated to fighting ignorance, it’s always good to know if the person talking might actually have some sort of experience on the subject.

Also, I also say “Meh” in real life. It’s essentially a verbal shrug, akin to “Eh”, but where you don’t care enough to open your mouth fully before vocalizing, so it’s even MORE apathetic than “Eh.”

What bugs me from time to time is when someone takes a mind-bogglingly different stance to an an argument than what I’d expect based on my own experience or any reasonable interpretation of common sense and courtesy. Basic structure is poster talks about being wronged by someone else, and is asking for basic advice on what to do, or is just venting for the sake of venting, and then someone comes along to try and declare that the entire situation is due to their wrongdoing. Where other peoples’ children are involved, “THINK OF THE BEBBIES” non-reason seems to come up often.

That’s my problem with it, in my book it’s not a pun. It would be a pun if faux was pronounced like ‘fox’. ‘Pox News’ is a pun, ‘Foh News’ isn’t IMHO.

Okay, I didn’t know that these were common outside the SDMB but they are things I’ve seen here that irritate me for no good reason.

I hate to ask, but what in the hell does “twee” actually mean?

Finishing some dismissive comment with “m’kay?” In general, people are often needlessly confrontational on message boards (me too, on occasion), but there’s no excuse for being deliberately patronising. I don’t care how right you are or how silly the other person’s views were, if you use “m’kay?” I will automatically take their side.

On a more SDMB-specific note, when people take the “fighting ignorance” thing seriously. Guys, it’s just a cute tagline, not a manifesto.

Something I hear irl semi-regularly, but have only ever seen in type at the SDMB: “I myself…” I myself think that it’s an entirely reasonable course of action. I myself prefer the option that the OP has dismissed. I, myself, feel comfortable naked at the gas pumps.

I myself grind my teeth at the use of such an annoyingly redundant turn of phrase. I someone else entirely thinks it makes you sound like an opinionated self-important butthead.

From what I gather, it’s a practice derived from the fact that some Dopers have regular, average words for a name. Just capitalization SHOULD cut it, but some people think it removes ambiguity that you’re talking about a poster and not just woefully deficient in the English language when you bold the name.

On your first paragraph:
I never thought of it that way. Come to think of it, there are tons of things that would come off EXCEEDINGLY patronizing in real life that sound fine to me on a message board, “m’kay” being one of them. I actually never saw it as being condescending (though I don’t use it much), I always meant it in a legitimately nice “okay? That’s all I meant, in good fun and with all due respect etc etc” fashion.

On your second paragraph: I agree, completely. It’s particularly annoying in some religious or paranormal (or anything, really) discussion where someone points out that, although the skeptic is probably right maybe they’re being a tad bit harsh and then they say “This is a board where we FIGHT ignorance :rolleyes:” as if to say “Quod Erat Demonstrandum, the fact that I’m right gives me full reign to talk how I please, in the interest of upholding Doper Code 19274 aka The Motto.” In fact somehow a few people have actually managed to work the motto into their argument on occasion, somehow proving their opinion is right through some bit of non-logic involving that tagline.

ETA: Add me to the list that says “methinks” and “meh” in casual conversation (then again I use “albeit” when talking casually to friends as well, so take that how you will).

Nailed it in one! Or three, in this case.

The rolleyes smiley. The only acceptable reasons for rolling your eyes is because you’re having an orgasm or a fit. At a push, because you’ve been punched in the throat for using that smiley.

Quoting an entire post sentence by sentence (or paragraph by paragraph) with a response to each quoted part. Bonus irk points for each response which is just a rolleyes, m’kay or correcting spelling and grammar.


I always associate this word with Paul Theroux rather than the SDMB.

I can be your friend, too? :smiley:

Albeit, long-distance.

:eek: This is so true! I would like you to know that I am now completely reformed … in the past I have been know to wax poetic on the topic of bacon, but now that you made the link to the “chocoholic” thing, I’m horrified. I keep having visions of 1980s gift shops, filled with Ziggy statuettes begging someone to “send chocolate!” They haunt me.