First off I realize that none of you are my doctor/psychiatrist. No advice will be taken as medical advice. If I want an accurate diagonsis I know I should see a doctor yada yada insert rest of standard disclaimer.
O.K. with that out of the way why don’t I give some personal background. I am a few months past my 19th birthday. I currently attend a Big 10 university and am a sophomore majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a 3.80 GPA. I have never resembled anything close to a ‘good’ student. In highschool I scraped by with a 3.6 or so GPA (on a weighted scale Honors A was a 5 B 4 then C was a normal 2 with probably 50% honors so my average letter grade was probably a B to B-) doing the absolute minimum in regards to homework. My goal was a B- (to get the honors weighting) and I usually met that on the strength of my test scores.
As far as my social life goes there are currently 4 people I would consider myself to be friends with. I have had exactly 1 girlfriend for about a month duration before she moved. I went to one dance and never had the desire (nor probably the oppurtunity) to go to another. I have many people probably on the order of 25-30 that I would consider aquiantinces that if I pass on the street I will generally have a conversation with. Generally in social situations I am on the quiet side but don’t have a problem striking up a conversation with a stranger.
Now onto the reasons why I am starting this thread. I have almost always preferred to spend my time alone. Depending on the time in my life I would say that I would spend 60-40% of normally social time alone. I would say that I probably desired a 80-20% mix of alone time. Now I realize that there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to be alone (and have argued so with my Mother a few times). The reason I bring this up is that it seems that my desire to be alone and my ‘alone’ time has gone to near 100% of social time.
My freshman year of college I suppose I decided to turn a new leaf over and become more socially inclined. I would surmise that I forced my desire to change from an 80-20 mix to more of a 10-90 mix. I met new people and went to parties and would say I was socially ‘sucessful’ in that I befriended a good number of people. Towards the end of the year however I was reverting back to my earlier split of alone time versus social time. Over the summer I ended up working a lot and was probably back to my original 60-40 split. I did an internship for my fall quarter and by that time I had honestly no desire to meet new people. That feeling continues to today. As of late I feel like I have become more I would say hostile towards other people. It also seems that day to day the ‘hostility’ level varies in its intensity.
The other reason I am asking is that I find myself becoming increasingly angry at nothing for no particular reason. I don’t exactly know how to describe it but I guess if I had a mood ring on it would be increasingly on the ‘pissed’ color for no good reason. Its hasn’t been that unusual for me to find myself in a general foul mood for no reason. Theres a pretty good chance it is becuase its pretty damn cold outside and I am freezing my nuts off but I thought I’d bring it up.
My point in this thread is to sort of peg whether or not my behavior falls into the normal range or a range in which psychiatric help might be beneficial. Thanks in advance for your replies.