September Philly Doper Dinner

Time to start figuring this out, gang.

We’ve been doing weeknights in the northwest 'burbsf. OTOH, since I’m not necessarily the only one who might find herself datefree on a weekend, we might want to consider that – and ScubaBen keeps talking about wanting to check out some (Ethiopian? Afghani?) place in Society Hill. If we went into town, we might pick up a couple of people (Cleophus, Doc Cathode, Frank#2) – though of course we might lose some others (pandora, JohnM – who, of course, only showed up the first time anyway).

So – whaddya say?

Weeknight or weekend?

'Burbs or in town?

For me, if it’s in town then I prefer the weekend. If it’s in the burbs a weeknights probably fine.

I’d prefer weeknights in the city.

What about a Friday night in town?

There are a ton of places. Towards old city: Fado, Eulogy. Monk’s is in Center city below Market, and there are a pile of other clubs/restaurants between Broad and 17th. Closer to University city: Rembrandt’s, Firehouse, and somewhere near 40th street was a killer Indian restaurant, but I haven’t been there in several years and can’t remember the name. We’ve got to get the word out to mearos, too-haven’t seen him since Dope-the-Halls in Dundalk at Ginger of the North and weirddave’s house last year.

Should we take this to mean you might be joining us, dances? Someone’s gonna have to pick a date sooner or later – when are you going to be in this neck of the woods?

Once we pick a date, I’ll email rockingchair also – she prefers in-town to the 'burbs.

My vote is still for Fez, the Morrocan place on 2nd Street. Otherwise, I’m good for nearly anywhere.

To be honest, I thought that the original idea was to have get togethers for people in the 'burbs to avoid having to go downtown. It’s a lot more convenient. However I’ll go along with the majority. Weeknights are inconvenient but I might go along with a Friday night.

'Burbs are more convenient for some, less convenient for others (e.g., the carless).

Okay – Fez – Moroccan restaurant on 2nd Street – I was going to say next Friday , but that’s Yom Kippur – would this Friday, the 17th, be too soon?

Unfortunately, I’m not available this Friday.

I should clarify my present situation. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now. I’m pretty involved politically and will be till November. Plus, my mother is having her hip replaced at the beginning of October. So I don’t expect you guys to try to accomodate my schedule for the next couple of months. I’ll follow the thread and if you happen to decide on something that fits in then I’ll do my best to be there.
(By the way, if anyone wants to volunteer for Kerry, even just an hour or two a week, let me know.)

Fair enough. Hope everything goes okay with your mom.

Everyone else – should we move ahead or just wait till the first Friday in October?

I plan to be in town the week of the 20th-but don’t plan around my schedule. I’ll do my best to track the thread and be there if I’m in town.

Help me out-I googled for Fez Restaurant and found them in Atlanta, New York, Boston, and Boulder. The only mention of one with a Philly sounding address shows 308 South Street-did they move?

By the way, thanks for that name choice, now I’ve got Steely Dan stuck in my head Don’t make me do it without the fez on, oh no :wink:

Well, it beats hell out of “867-5309,” which I’ve had going for the last three hours for absolutely no reason that I can discern.

Okay, how’s this for a compromise:

September dinner, Thursday, Sept. 24th, 'burbs – Phil’s at Broad Axe, unless there’s a decisive movement elsewhere.

October dinner, some Friday night TBA, Moroccan place in town, whatever it might be called and wherever it might be located.

Who’s in?

Fridays are out for me, that’s the night I work late. Thursdays I work 'til 6, probably not enough time to get wherever, unless it’s very close to me. Maybe I’ll sit this one out and hope for a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday[but not the 3rd one of any month]

Looks doable for me.

twickster don’t lose that number, it’s the only one you want (867-5309) :smiley:

This month, anything mid-week is very touch and go, as I’m in physical therapy for my injured knee, and I don’t always make the 6:40 train. So I’ll have to bow out for this month.

See you at the October dinner.

I was going to suggest Wednesday instead of Thursday anyway (Thursday being Survivor/Apprentice night) – could you do Wednesday the 22nd, quiltguy? Otherwise, it looks like it might be just you and me, dances, unless we can scare up some other people.

bats eyes, checks spinach quiche recipe

The 22nd works for me. Hoping the weather will be a bit dryer this time round.

Not just you two, twicks. I’ve been reading and keeping tabs on things. My is full, but somewaht flexible so I’d rather not plan around my activities. My preferred days, though, are Thursday and Friday. Thurdays are really convenient as sometimes I go through KoP when dirving to West Chester.

I would prefer the burbs instead of heading into the city as the insane traffic and $15 parking isn’t exactly a selling point for city dining. True, I’m northeast of the city, but KoP is only 30 minutes away driving out the turnpike.