Okay, I know I probably need therapy. No doubts about that. But I am having some troubles, and hey, why bother a shrink when I have all of you? I really do need some help.
The thing is, I should diet. Really. But, I am having problems, because, to me:
eating less=thinner=sexy=being noticed by men=possibly getting together with men
Which wouldn’t be bad, except I’m married. Sometimes not so happily. And away from my husband a lot. And I am trying to work on that. But, if
eating less=thinner=sexy=being noticed by men=possibly getting together with men
then I shouldn’t diet, because I don’t want the possibilities there to be a cheater. So, often I am not wanting to diet because I worry about getting attention from other men. Which could lead to getting together with them, which could lead to other things. I have noticed that a lot of the time when I am given quite a bit of time and interest and attention from a man, I will eat way too much soon after. Because with a great many guys,
eat everything not nailed down=overweight girl=invisible=no interest=no problem
So that way, there is no temptation to cheat. And also, even though I adore men, sometimes their attention makes me really nervous. So I like it and I don’t, all at the same time, which leads back to the
eating whatever you want=overweight girl=invisible=no interest from guys
I have received some ‘negative’ attention from guys before, back when I was very toned and thin. I think that factors in a great deal. But I don’t know how to get around it.
Then, as far as being married, and losing weight, there is this other problem
eating less=thinner=sexy=more interest in sex from partner
Now for most people this wouldn’t be a problem. But sometimes, and many times in the past, I have had much less interest in sex than him. Sometimes when I have sex with him, and then later on dude and I fight, and it makes me really sorry that I had sex with him, that I let myself get close to him, that I was vulnerable in that way. So,
eating less=thinner=sexy=more sex=feeling hurt and like an idiot later
And I have noticed that when I am upset with him or feeling sexual interest from him sometimes, I will over eat.
So, help!!!
How do I get over this before they fly me over the floats in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?
I know this all sounds really messed up, but I am just trying to figure this all out.