Shagnasty and the Worst Anecdote in SDMB History

I remember reading a Lawrence Block mystery in which one of the players preferred a drink consisting of milk and Scotch.

According to The Jolly Bartender, “The milk simply softens the Scotch’s liquor flavors and gives the drink fattiness on the mouthfeel.” (retch)

Which is more likely to happen if she’d drinks something stronger than milk!

I’m surprised anyone notices. I never have more than one drink at company events, partly for the reasons you list, and partly because i just don’t like to feel tipsy, and if i have more than one drink without a full meal, i probably will. I can’t recall anyone ever noticing, let alone giving me flack for it.

But I’m a woman, so maybe that’s different. The only time i got flack about my beverage choices at work events was when i was pregnant. I would get my favorite “bar drink”, gingerale with cranberry juice and a twist of lime. Everyone felt it it was their business to quiz me about what i was drinking, and when i declined to answer (it’s none of their business) they lectured me on drinking while pregnant, a topic i knew a great deal more about than they did.

Yeah, some people still insist on making other people’s bodies their business.

Yes but in the story he didn’t see her with a glass of an unknown white beverage, he heard her order a milk.

And you’d be in the minority. I can assure you that from what I’ve seen, most or at least a very significant percent would go for the booth girl. They get off on the power imbalance. In addition, there are way fewer rich women than rich men at these events still and much more so in even the recent past.

I was well known for being a non drinker among my hard partier work environment colleagues in the 90s. No one ever gave me crap for that. Among my live music friends now, they generally see it as a virtue which is ridiculous because there is nothing virtuous about not doing something that I don’t like to do.

Then they get into politics, and then they take a shot at a high office, and then the scandal comes out, and then they’re screwed. (pun intended)

Sorry, I have a vivid imagination. LOL

Here’s a link to the post, it was in a thread about pranks.Shagnasty held it out as an example of a perfect prank.

That is somewhat downright disgusting behavior. And I don’t get some of the reaction to it. How is that not rape? The woman did not consent to sex with him. And he’s not banned for that post? Wow.

We used to tolerate a lot of gross rape culture crap on this board that made it much harder to be a woman posting here. IIRC I’m the one who had the pleasure of banning Shagnasty years after he posted this, but even at the time, his hate speech against women was not sufficient. He could call women whores or whatever he liked with impunity, because I guess hate speech didn’t count if it was against women. Naw, to get rid of him, we had to bust him for harassing Gwin. Which he was definitely guilty of.

I occasionally complain about the new guard being too heavy handed but I think today’s board would not have tolerated this, and that’s for the better.

To be fair (and in no way I am defending anything Shagnasty posted, especially the stuff glorifying rape), but they did eventually apologize, specifically about this shit.

How sincere it was, I dunno.

Shit like this is why I have a nice big belly laugh when some aggrieved asshole starts going on about how, gosh, these boards aren’t like how they used to be and isn’t it a cryin’ shame?

What? You’re not nostalgic for the days of Evil Captor?

I know, I’m clearly part of the problem!

So he apologized, but asserts the incident he related really happened? That’s one mighty forgiving priest!


He apologized to the board, it doesn’t sound like he told his fiance.

What a fine upstanding example of humanity.

Has anyone in the history of the cosmos used the phrase “mothers and daughters” in a sincere apology?

Well, the gross behavior didn’t stop, so I’m going with “not very.”

Yeah, that’s my recollection, too.