Shame on those that refuse the vaccine

what’s the use?

He brought it on himself and his family pays the price.

Seriously. How many times do have to be proven wrong to start asking yourself ‘Am I wrong about this?’

Cults dig their claws in deep. Like mental illness, conspiracy theories have an unrelenting grip on their adherents.

We all pay the price. That’s the problem.

She brought this on her students.

But with an unmasked, unvaccinated teacher at the helm, none of that mattered so much.

She continued teaching for two days while symptomatic, starting on May 19, with her symptoms worsening from initial congestion and fatigue that she wrote off as allergies, into a cough, fever, and headache.

I am certain the school district will be sued. The teacher should face charges.

We will have to see how many of the students passed it.

She obviously is an idiot, but if she had been coming down with the flu or a bad cold (which she could have been) would you sue the school and bring her up on charges? I’m kind of in favor of it happening, but it seems a bad precedent?

A veteran hailing from Texas just died of gallstone complications because the ICU beds were full of covidiots. 'Murica!
"When U.S. Army veteran Daniel Wilkinson started feeling sick last week, he went to the hospital in Bellville, Texas, outside Houston. His health problem wasn’t related to COVID-19, but Wilkinson needed advanced care, and with the coronavirus filling up intensive care beds, he couldn’t get it in time to save his life.
“He loved his country,” his mother, Michelle Puget, told “CBS This Morning” lead national correspondent David Begnaud. “He served two deployments in Afghanistan, came home with a Purple Heart, and it was a gallstone that took him out.”

How many people are on ventilators because of a cold or the flu? A cold isn’t going to cost thousands of dollars in medical costs, nor will it cause the level of pain and suffering (and possibly death) that COVID would. No “bad” precedent there.

12000 to 60000 thousand people die of the flu each year. She chose to go to school while she had symptoms of some illness, which we are all everydamnoneofus told not to do. If you are coughing, stay your ass at home.

She chose to be unvaccinated even though her State Government and probably her school board and school admins and every news site on the interwebs said she should be vaccinated.

She chose to attend school and take off her mask to read to kids too young to vaccinated.

She could not have done more to infect her class unless she decided to lick them.

But she removed her mask to teach, knowing there’s a pandemic, with a captive indoor audience.

I say nail that bitch teacher to the wall.

About the microchip thing: It is utterly amazing to me that people are carrying around a chip they bought themselves for ~$1000 to retweet bullshit from Facebook about micro chips that track them and controls their minds. What point would such chips even have?

Just nitpicking that you meant either “12 to 60 thousand people” or “12000 to 60000 people”.

And taking the opportunity to reiterate the amazing fact that that number dropped to less than a thousand this past flu season, due to anti-COVID precautions.

…knew that was gonna bite me…

This goes several steps beyond intention ignorance, beyond regular stupidity. These people are criminals, terrorists, and they deserve to die.

They are the American Taliban.

The Taliban were organized and motivated and able to engineer the takeover of their country in an operation that spanned only a handful of days.

These clowns are sad Taliban wannabes. We’re fortunate they aren’t even half as intelligent or capable.

I’ve now heard of 2 stories (and I’m sure there are more) where people that needed emergency care for something other than Covid died because there was no ICU bed for them because they were full of Covid patients.

The widower of one said that if you refused to get the vaccine and got Covid, that you should stay away from the hospital and not use resources that could be used for those that did the “right thing”. I agree with him.

If you don’t trust the health care system when they are trying to save your life through the vaccine, why would you trust them once you get Covid? Stay home and deal with it yourself. That’s what you signed up for.

I was also struck by a story I saw on TV a few weeks ago. The reporter was in a location where they were offering vaccines and Covid testing.

The line for the vaccine only had 2 people all day and no one was in line at the time of the report. The line for Covid testing was more than 2 hours long.

That really said volumes.

I’m guessing a lot of the folks in the testing line had been vaccinated and were worried about breakthrough infection (okay, maybe I’m being overly optimistic there).