Siam sam, I want to stomp your pigeon eggs!!

I mean really, this thread has been going on since May 12th. eleven frick’n pages about pigeons!!

I blame you for this Sam. Out of 544 posts; 320 are yours. Stop it with the attention whoring and let the thread die.

link to thread

Siam Sam irks me occasionally with his propensity to post links to Southeast Asian news articles without offering a brief summary or description before launching into an op ed piece but this pitting baffles me. How is that thread any different or more mundane and indulgent than any pet thread?

Well, for one thing, there are lots of contributers to an average pet thread. All of whom, more or less, contribute on an equal level. Also, those threads don’t usually last for a month and a half. (Correct me if I’m wrong.)

I, for one, love the pigeon thread. Even though I have never posted to it, I have subscribed to it and love the updates.
Why do you hate pigeons? :frowning:

So what? It seems that there are Dopers enjoying the thread besides Sam. Isn’t that enough?

Besides, it is probably one of the few threads around here that has hit 11 pages and is still on-topic. Compare it to the 19-page thread in the Pit that AFAIK is neither about Palin nor Letterman.

You silly farang. (That means westerner.)

You might be correct about those threads, but you’re incorrect about Siam Sam’s thread. It hasn’t been going for a month and a half; it’s been going since May last year.

I too have been perplexed by the longevity of the pigeon egg thread, but different strokes for different folks I guess.

I simply restrained myself from clicking on that thread because, being a non-animal lover (i.e, they’re frequently delicious but never cute - well, except for kittehs of course), I knew that the discussion therein would be a dark and foreign language to me.

Why not just ignore that thread?

Siam Sam is one of the more polite posters to this board and does post interesting articles. (Maybe pigeon eggs is stretching it).

Because he’s talking about something he wanted to talk about - in the proper forum - he’s attention whoring? Feck off. This thread is attention whoring.

Siam Sam has been pitted for posting interesting stories that people generally find worth their while before. At the time, IIRC, people generally thought that pitting him was a stupid idea and the thread resulted in everyone supporting Siam Sam and piling on top of the OP. I predict the same will happen now too. Learn from the past, lest it repeat itself!

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I always enjoy **Siam Sam **threads and posts but I’d clearly overlooked this one.

Same here, except I don’t even get the whole “kittehs” [sic] craze.

I don’t care about that thread and when I don’t care about a thread, guess what? I don’t read it! It’s not that hard.
I don’t have any problem with it, however…but I do wonder why in the world someone would care about pigeon eggs. :confused: Here pigeons are a disgusting bird that everyone tries to get rid of. They’re like rats with wings. So I guess I wouldn’t find pigeon eggs all that exciting or interesting.

But as someone upthread said: Different strokes for different folks.

While I have nothing against Sam or the thread in question, I have to agree at least slightly with the OP. In my opinion, any thread in which over 50% of the posts are from a single poster is, essentially, a blog - and that isn’t what this board is about.

I got no problem with blog-style posting here on the Dope so long as it’s about a specific topic and contains some type of information beyond a stream of consciousness. The Dope has gotten a little stagnant lately and anything that broadens the topics and provides ongoing discussion is valuable. Hell, sometimes the blog-style topics do more to fight ignorance than all of GD.

Hey, I love that thread. Leave it alone!

I am another person who loves the thread even if they don’t post in it. I prefer to lurk, mostly. To each his own, however! Obviously not everyone has to like it.

Personally, I think the people who like the pigeon thread should turn around and start posting in it more just to make this pit invalid. blink :slight_smile:

Same here. Following the evolution of pigeons who live on your balcony, in your flowerpot, is unusual and interesting in my opinion. It might be a personal quirk, I was very interested in my stepdaughter the ornithologist’s work on ring-billed gulls, but then… all kinds of people post on SDMB, it’s part of its appeal.

SHAKES, why don’t you just ignore threads you don’t like?