Signs of spring in the MMP

Mooom, what would happen if you just didn’t come back tomorrow???

Happy birfday to Boo Fae! I hope you get lets of cake and presents and kisses on your special day.

Happy BooFae day!


So ruble, you were born on your brother’s birthday?

It’s officially spring now. My bike has had its tune up and is home. I even took a ride yesterday as 70F is nice riding weather. :slight_smile:

The main sign of Spring around here is when the local Creamery opens. We long for the owner to put the sign out. (March 16th, if your interested.)
The ice cream travels all of 30 feet from where it was made.

Considering it’s a gummint contract and I’ve got an official ID, among other things, it would be a Very Bad Idea to just not show up. Anyway, I’ve gotten some stuff to do, so there’s that.

Howdy Y’all! Believe it or not, I actually did irk for a while. I texted with TPTB and TPTB said no problem with a sick day but if I felt like irkin’ for part of the day that would be fine as well. Since I am still somewhat woefully behind in on-line trainin’ I decided to do a few hours of that. I am now up to date. YAY!

OYKW is swipin’ the General’s dindin since we both have a gnawin’ and a cravin’.

{{{Pearl}}} sorry for your and your nevvies loss even if I don’t know what a nevvie is.

nevvie = nephew :slight_smile: Thank you **swampy **HUGS feel better soonest!

Happy Moonday!

It’s warm out, it’s spring break, and I’ve made a list of things to do.
Making the list took a lot out of me, so starting it can wait until tomorrow.

Happy Birthday BooFae!

I took Higgs out in the yard when I got home, and saw two crocusses (crocussi?) blooming. And I’ve seen several tulip plants poking thru the leaves. I need to get out there and rake. Maybe tomorrow when I get home. I’m kinda fried today.

Ravioli and home made sauce for supper, because it’s quick and easy, and, like I said, I’m fried.

C’mon Firday!!!

**Translation:**He started the webinar, then went in the other room to take a nap.
Swampy, are you related to the butcher who backed into the meat grinder? He also got a little behind in his work!

Better than the optometrist who fell in the lens grinder

He made a spectacle of himself!

The General’s dindin has been consumed. All is well.

That’s not blue and white, for the KC Royals!:wink:

Happy Birthday BooFae!

Happy Birthday Ruble!

Would that be your MiL or the Mother of their Mother? In either case, not an easy loss. My condolences.

Swampy Feel better!

All the paper irk is completed and my Leave of Absence is fully processed. Took less than a week this time, instead of 12… So that’s good.

Both kids home from school today with colds. Everyone is going tomorrow by golly! They’re sick. But not that sick.

Feel like I should be doing something but I overdid it this weekend. Cleaned out the linen closet. We have been the beneficiaries for years of everything that someone wanted to get rid of but thought was too good to give away. I took an entire car load (SUV load) of things to Goodwill. Packed so full I couldn’t see out the back. I feel great that it’s done, but it wore me out. Still trying to figure out how to ration the spoons.

Maybe a short nap before dinner prep.

I worked, I came home, I’m drinking a beer. Making Asian BBq chicken with lemongrass thyme rice and zingy stir fried broccoli.

That’s that wierd hockey with fat sticks, a round puck and no ice, right? :wink:

Still better than the butcher who went face first into his grinder.

Now everybody nose his sausage.

swampy, I had the General’s chicken once. It was Tso Tso.

OK Y’all, da bear is tahrd and so is OYKW. Thus we shall retire to the boudoir to watch teevee until sleepy time. I have permission to sleep with Ben tonight so I shall.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

It won’t be so long before I go to bed either, as tomorrow will be yet another early day, followed by an appointment with the urologist.

We’re twins born 11 years apart. Either that or there was just no way our family could have survived two of mother’s cakes or what passed for cake. Take your pick. :slight_smile:

We have rather odd situations with birthdays; besides my brother and I being on the 6th, so is a very good friend. The OW and our most favorite little cousin Melissa (who gets to clean up after us when we’re gone) are both 12/13. Her brother died on her birthday and her mother on mine. For some reason we’ve crammed a lot of happy and sad into just a couple days.

Had some lovely chicken for dindin and now going to rub some horsie juice on my elbow. I had to waterspider at work and I’m pretty sore.

ruble, we have a couple of weird birthday situations in my family too. Mom’s youngest sister was born on her oldest sister’s 18th birthday. Dad’s youngest brother was born on his oldest brother’s 12th birthday. To top it off, eachnof us kids missed a relative’s birthday by a few hours. Of course, that’s probably not that unusual in a family as big as ours.

My Dad was born on 10/8, I was 10/9, son was due on 10/7, but had to get extracted early, due to wife’s resting heart rate of 200.

Up, caffeinated, sheveled. Hockey after work. :slight_smile: