Smarter minds and, uh, butts in the MMP

Didn’t know if we were allowed to use naughty words in thread titles.
Inspiration from last week:

Alright, you weirdos who start your day at the butt-crack of dawn … post away! Imma go back to bed.

I’m not sure if it’s the butt-crack of dawn here because it appears to be overcast, tho it is light enough to see that it’s no longer night, I suppose.

It was another of those nights - didn’t fall asleep till way late, but I can’t sleep in because I don’t want Higgs in her crate with her legs crossed waiting to go out… :open_mouth: Plus it’s my quiet time for reading, breakfast, and caffeination.

Boy, howdy, did it rain last night! we got between two and three hours of downpour - so much for accuweather’s forecast of 51% chance around 7PM. It was still coming down hard after 10. When it’s light enough and I’m awake enough, I’ll survey the yard for downed branches - not very likely since it wasn’t windy, but one never knows.

FCD and I are really worried about his dad. The hallucinations have gone beyond seeing people in trees outside to people being in his house, getting “all over him” as he described it. Last night, he was afraid these “women” were going to steal their hidden cash and he was thinking about moving its hiding place. Which, of course, means the money could very well end up lost forever. What if he decided a trash can was a great hiding place??

So FCD told his mom to move the stash herself last night and not tell his dad, but to tell us in case she forgot. He also suggested she hide their fireproof box of papers before FIL thought to move it, too. And he told her to call the neurologist and get an appointment right away. I find it hard to believe they’ve not shared this tidbit with the doc already… Anyway, my poor sweetie may be headed to FL sooner than he’d planned.

In non-depressing news, um, well, at the moment, I got nothing, but I’m still waking up. My SS for the month has been deposited - I guess that’s kinda good news - I can send VISA some money. :money_with_wings:

Onward! Happy Moanday!!

May I make a suggestion? When FCD is there, he should probably alert the doctor to FCMIL’s habit of “adjusting” FCFIL’s meds, so the doctor knows to check to make sure the patient actually has the correct amount in his system.

She hasn’t been screwing with his meds - in fact, she’s been really meticulous about having him take everything on time. Now, her own meds might be a different story…

Mornin’ all! Up, sheveled, ingesting a smoothie, about to head out into the rain and make my way to the shop. I think I’ll be finishing the murphy doors today, along with some more rfid research.

Everyone have a good day. That’s an order.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN I was a slugabed until almost seven-thirty! :sleeping_bed: 'Tis 72 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 85 (BRR!) and rainy for the day. We shall see. No big plans for the day which is, as always, fine by us. I predict much sloth, nappage, and general overall uselessness. Sup shall be my world famous Eyetalian chikin, succotash, wild rice, and rolls. I don’t think my mind or my butt will get any smarter today.

MOOOOOOM that well and truly sucks about FIL. I feel for FCD dealin’ with this situation and worryin’ about it all. If’n he does decide to go ahead and take off, hope he has a safe and uneventful trip down and can get things under control as much as is possible.

VanGo don’t work too hard in the shop.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

I feel for you and FCD Mooooooom. Is going to the doctor with the folks an option while FCD is down there?

Up, caffeinating, breakfasted and fixing to do KP. I need to pick up a prescription and some groceries today, then do breakfast / lunch prep for the week before slothing.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s 20c/68f with a predicted high of 21c/70f and cloudy. Weather app says “Stratus clouds are known for producing light rain or snow. They’re also knobjockey twatfaces”. So there you have it., straight from the horse’s mouth, as it were.

I was awake stupidly early after a rather unsettled night. Not sure why that was, apart from the fact that I never seem to sleep particularly well on Sundays, must be because I have the joy of campus on a Monday morning. I was up, showered, critters tended to and with my breakfast cuppa before 6am which is Far. Too. Early.

I am at irk and having to type this on my laptop since the desktop PC is doing an upgrade to something that promises to take 60-90 minutes. Lunchbreak and afternoon meeting time should see that process finished although it’s been going for a while and is till saying 36% complete, which is where it’s been for the last half hour.

Moooom I am sorry to hear about the latest with FIL, hopefully FCD can get things sorted out, and ensure he gets that neurology appointment quickly. Another trip down there so soon after the last one is not something that brings any joy. I would echo Red’s suggestion that he accompanies them to the doc so that he can fill in the bits they’re not telling the doc, and hear all the details for himself.

Oh well, time to squeeze in a quick cuppa before the next meeting. I could really do with a nap but I doubt that’s happening any time soon!

Morning all. Up about 6:30am again, might not be the butt-crack of dawn but close enough…waking at that time seems to be a pattern now. Put all the clothes I washed yesterday away first thing, so I have been ambitious (for me). First day of soccer coaching (weather permitting) around 5pm, so swimmin’-n-sauna may be abbreviated (don;t want to fall asleep while coaching…).

FCM, old age really sucks. Best wishers to FCD, I know he has to be constantly worrying these daya about them.

Ah, the old system upgrade, boo fae; have sat through my share of them.

VanGo, Sir, YES SIR!! Good day to be had.

Morning all. Awoke to torrential rains and partial vision loss in my rt wye. Huge black floater clouds in my view, and bright flashes across the upper area of my vision.

Seemed serious so am at doc’s, about to go in exam room. Will post more when finished here.

Crappy Monday, but at least no flood between us and medical help. Maybe overreacting but seemed sudden and weird so am taking it Seriously.

I definitely would have made the same call about getting medical attention. Hope it turns out OK!

Pause in productivity. After shower and getting clothed, I loaded last night’s dishes in the dishwasher, gathered the dirties, hauled them to the laundry room, sorted them, and loaded shorts and jeans in the wisher. Then I made the cover for the display on the flybridge - actually made it twice because I brain-farted the first time and made it too narrow. The corrected one is much better (I hope - FCD is headed to the boat right now.)

As I was finishing, the clothes in the washer were ready for the dryer, and there’s now a load of t-shirts in the washer. Not sure what’s next - so I’m thinking about it while having some lemonade. :smile:

Holy crap on a cracker!! I’ve had floaters, but just small ones and they are a minor annoyance till they’re reabsorbed, or whatever it is that happens to them. Hope your eyes are not seriously compromised - that’s scary!!!

Not sure how much I’ll actually accomplish today. The back is acting up. I can walk around and do stuff for about half an hour. I’ve applied molding to the murphy doors and installed hinges, done a little sanding. Naproxin ingested and waiting on some results.

Yes! Take that seriously. I’m not gonna be a smart ass today and tell you what I think happened, but you need to see the eye doc immediately.

Speakig of seeing docs, we’re supposed to go to The Dalles right now to interview our (hopefully) new PCP. Wish us luck.

Holy crap, how terrifying! :astonished:

Yikes! Please keep us posted.

Bumba Luck!

I’m waiting for Beamette to wake up enough to take her COVID test. I think she’ll be attending school remotely today, regardless.

I have a call with my MS doctor. No major flares or anything, but I’m due for a checkup on disease progression. Overdue. By about 15 months, if we’re being precise. Time has been weird since COVID sucked us all into its vortex, and time just got away from me. Anyway, I’ll see what he wants to do.

Happy Monday everyone! (Or what VanGo said)

Moooom, hugs and sympathies for your FIL’s situation. Sounds like you and FCD are doing all the right things, but that doesn’t make it any easier.

Yank, glad you did the sensible thing and went to the doc’s right away. Keep us posted.

Not much going on in the Wheelz household right now. I somehow got ready for irk extra-fast this morning, so I have over a half hour to sit in my favorite chair and relax before I have to put on my shoes and go. Spending that time on the Dope, of course; gotta keep both my mind and ass as smart as possible!

I’m getting a migraine aura so have to keep this short. I kept waking up last night because of drenching sweats, even though my fever wasn’t very high. Yaaaay too much fun…

That sure sounds like a retinal tear to me. You’re smart to have gone to the doc right away. If it is a retinal tear, it can be fixed and your vision restored. Let us know. I’ll be thinking of you.

Nellie Are there other treatments by any chance? This one sounds horrific. Sending :people_hugging: I hope recovery is easy from here.

I used to have a friend who swore Midol was a miracle drug for his migraines. If it’s not contra-indicated, maybe try that? (uploads Midol)