So- How About a Place to Try and Critique Jokes. Adult Humor

So I am not a comedian. I don’t think I’m very funny. But sometimes I have an idea for a joke that I think could be funny in the hands of someone who’s actually funny.

An example would be y (posted in another thread) joke that I know there’s a joke about Sisyphus and BJs, but nothing is coming.

So this occurred to me:

I’m sitting on the nude beach in Greece and this chick walks up to me and seems to be checking me out. Suddenly she grabs my junk, rips it clean off, and throws it into the ocean. Naturally I’m stunned, until the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen walks out of the surf, totally naked, and straight towards me.

And at that moment I realize, I have no genitals.

It may be adult, but I’m completely missing the humor aspect of it.

“I will grant you three wishes,” she says. “What is your third?”

Do you mind explaining the joke? Is the last line a pun? Or a reference to something?


You told it well, but the punch line should be something , an unexpected turn.

That’s not a joke, it’s a David Lynch movie.

“The Aristocrats!”

I’m a big David Lynch fan, and I endorse this post.

I don’t get it. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a David Lynch movie.

Keep your day job.

Then his son should have been the one to rip off his junk and throw it into the sea.

Mulholland Drive. Watch it five or six times. Then we can talk.

fair, but this seems extra creepy.

By the way, I’m happy for the feedback. Enjoying it very much, in fact.

But I also meant this as an invite for people to share their own ideas.

You gotta explain: how is that funny? Is the punchline that this guy–victim of a horrific and probably fatal attack–is worried not about his impending death but about whether he can fuck a random stranger?

OK, one critique- jokes involving genital mutilation are going to be a tough sell, even if you somehow give it a funny punchline, which you have not.

Just to try for a punch-up, TOWP’s post has given me an idea:

A man is walking along the beach and finds a lamp buried in the sand. He picks it up, rubs it, and a genie appears, offering the usual three wishes. The man says “I want to be a billionaire, meet the woman of my dreams and be free from worry”.

The genie says “as you wish, but that is three wishes. First, check your bank account”. The man gets out his phone and opens his banking app. Sure enough, there is a billion dollars in his account.

“For your second wish…” the genie says, and the most beautiful woman the man has ever seen walks up and says “I want you”.

Then the genie says “for your last wish, most sources of worry and strife arise from desire, so I’ve cured that”. The man realizes he suddenly has absolutely no libido. He takes a peek down below and sees he’s as smooth as a Ken doll.

Well, yeah.

Also, in my imagining it was less a horrific injury and more a magical “poof” its gone and he’s now a smoothy.

Oh. I was imagining blood everywhere, something straight out of Midsommar. Is he gonna rape the random stranger, or is there some indication that she’d even want to have sex with him in the first place? Is the woman magically created by his genitals thrown in the ocean, in a twist on Adam’s rib?

This really comes across as surreal horror to me: the events aren’t connected to one another. A joke doesn’t need to be realistic, but there needs to be a clear throughline from one event to the other, unless you’re going for nightmare logic.

Take that up with Hesiod:

If you were not trying to reference that story, I am genuinely surprised.

I totally was.