So My Nine-Year-Old Got An Earring

Yes, he did. With my permission. I love it- it looks really cool. He had to have his birthstone, which is pink. I wish he’d chosen a different stone, but he likes it. He looks especially cool when he wears his bandanna, kind of like a pirate, if pirates had strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckles.

Even though I like it, I’m afraid it may be seen as weird. Is it weird for a nine year old boy to have an earring? I figure as longs as he’s not hurting anyone else and only trying to express his own particular style, I’m cool with it.

I haven’t taken pictures yet, but if this thread doesn’t sink like a stone to my shock and horror, I will take some and post them tomorrow.


Precocity is a trait like any other; good with some things, not so good with others. Being able to wear pink as a nine yo boy, absent of any other knowledge of other factors, leans a bit to the positive.

IOW who gives a rat’s patoot what it is “seen as?” I don’t see anyone else dropping by your place wanting to pick up his wardrobe management and provision.

As long as everyone’s cool.

In past endeavors I haven’t really cared what things are seen as- but as I mature I may give it a passing thought after I go ahead and do what I want.

I just want some opinions on what people that are more conservative may think of him and me as his mother when they see it. It doesn’t bother me one bit, and he loves it… just checking we’re not that far out there on this.

And I didn’t mean the color so much as just the earring itself- we are very secure with his extraordinarily apparent heterosexuality. Oh, yes, we are. He is precocious, indeed.

It seems harmless to me. :slight_smile:
I’d just be prepared for the possibility that when school starts up again one of the teachers might object, or another kid might tease him about having a pink earring.
But, hey, it’s still a fun thign to try during the summer!

How does a 9 year old have their own style?

Oh, he does. Definitely. He’s very outgoing and charismatic. He’s different than most nine year olds, anyone who knows him would tell you. He spikes his hair with gel, Hell’s Kitchen is his favorite show and he wants to be a master chef when he grows up, and he has a killer sense of humor. He’s something else. Having an earring fits him, somehow.

I’m an old-fashioned Mom type, so I’m not crazy about earrings on boys, period, and not crazy about them on any kid that young, but he’s not mine. If you’re okay with it, and he’s okay with it, I don’t have to wear it and I don’t have to see it on one of mine. So as long as you’re asking, if I see it I’ll think, “I wouldn’t let any kid of mine do that.” But again, he’s not mine. In the long run, not my decision and not my problem.

He sounds like one really cool kid. And you sound like a good mom for seeing him for who he is.

Well, he has two teenaged brothers, who get to do everything, while I still monitor and control his activities very heavily, so I do what I can to allow him small freedoms. It helps him not feel left out and always “too little”.

As long as he’s capable of taking care of the wound and eventual hole (with adult help as needed), I’d say good for him. However, I’m not conservative about these things, and I think that many guys look great with an earring or two. Yeah, post pics, he sounds like a cute kid.

My daughter has always been interested in cooking, and when she was high school age, she was able to cook a complete tasty and nutritious meal. Cooking is a good hobby, for boys and girls, and it’s something that he can do for the rest of his life.

Hmm, let’s see…the question seems to be “is it weird for a 9 year old boy to have an earring, esp. with a pink stone?”

To that, I’d probably have to say “in most places, kindof.” But then again - who cares? If he likes it and you like it, where is the harm? (It sounds neat to me.) If he changes his mind, he can just wear a less noticeable stud or stop wearing any earring at all.

I for one embrace the little Gooney’s embracing of the color pink.

I remember back when I was a teenager I tended to be “darkly emo” so everything had to be the color black for me. Even my retainer. :dubious:

That’s right, my retainer. The orthodontist tried to get me to get the classic pink, which would have been great because it would have blended in with the roof of my mouth. But nooooo, I had to get black. This meant that for about a year it looked like I was constantly chewing on some black gook in my mouth.

Your resident young and dumb kid,

Plus, it really impresses the ladies :slight_smile:

I believe that is the same age that my son was when he got his. My ex, his step dad at the time, got them together. I guess he figured he was paying for two ears to be done and took advantage of it.

I don’t think my son’s lasted a year while my ex still had his up until about a two years ago.
So no, I do not think it is weird. If he likes it that is all that counts.

Of all the things a 9-y/o could want to do, that’s pretty low on the scale of concern. Personally, I don’t get the appeal of earrings, but that’s just me. I rarely even notice them on people unless they’re sporting lots of them or they have a particularly unusual size or style.

I used to be extremely conservative and very “rules” oriented regarding clothing and accessories - probably the result of going to Catholic school and conforming to their uniform regs, followed by 11 years in the Navy with regular uniform inspections. But my husband helped me look at things differently. So now:
Clothing - as long as it covers the appropriate bits, who cares. If I think you look silly, I may snicker behind your back, but so what?
Jewelry - I’m not paying for it, so I don’t get any say, but as above, I may snicker behind your back.
Hair cut and color - for the most part, it grows back. You want a purple and green mohawk? Have a ball. Ignore the snickering.
Piercings - some truly make me go ick, but it’s none of my business, is it? You’re entitled to adorn yourself as you wish and I’m entitled to my opinion of those adornments.
Any of the above on kids - as long as you’re teaching your offspring that there’s a time and place for expression and for more conservative conformity, you get the FairyChatMom Seal of Approval. (Obviously my daughter’s brother-in-law didn’t learn that lesson, as evidenced by his wedding attire - shorts, a bright yellow polo shirt, shoes sans socks. I thought he was there to mow the lawn…)
A friend of my parents decided about the time he hit 70 that he wanted a diamond stud in his ear. And he got it. And he loves it. I don’t find it to be particularly attractive, but I’m sure there are things about me he’s not crazy about. Goodness knows what I’ll do when I hit 70. :eek:

I have a 9 yo old boy (well he’s 10 in less than a month), and I say fine if everybody’s fine with it. My guy wouldn’t wear pink anything, though, because he’s still in the he-man woman-hatin’ club. (I give it another year or so, then he’ll change his tune, along with his attention to grooming. :smiley: )

I’ll just add my fatherly concern about caring for the hole/not catching the earring on something while playing.

I’m personally not all that enthusiastic about earrings on minor male children (less than 13). It generally just looks kind of low rent and trashy (to me), but to each their own.

My younger son had style and a strong sense of what his identity was from about three years old on. In fact, from Alice’s description, her son is probably very similar to my younger one.

In pre-school he would tie a blanket around his head with the knot on his forehead, put on a cap and walk in like he owned the place. At first I worried the other children would tease him but I need not have bothered–they all had blankets on their heads by the end of the day.

He did the same thing w/ crew cuts in the summer, dress up at school (ALWAYS the very fancy bejeweled women’s clothing)–you name it, he was different.

Now he’s 25, married, the father of a beautiful baby girl and a youth pastor. Along the way he’s had an earring and an eye brow piercing, but chose against tattoos. I expect he’ll always march to the beat of a slightly different drummer.

I love the idea. You rock, mom. Seriously, allowing them personal freedoms is never a bad thing. Used as a “teaching moment” or an opportunity to examine potential consequences, it’s a great way for a kid to explore without a permanent consequence!

Picture, please- this kid sounds awesome. I think he would get along great with my 6 & 8 year olds.