So I go to work today. We open at 11, I get there at 10. Grab a knife, and go to cut up lemons and limes for the rickeys and iced tea. Start to drop the knife, but manage to catch it-by the blade. I managed to get a nice little gash in my finger. I wrapped a dishcloth around it for awhile, but after about 45 minutes of direct pressure, it was still bleeding furiously. It finally got to what I thoguht was a controlled stage, so I wrapped some gause around it and put on a plastic glove, went to go work. In no time flat, the gause was soaked through. Even though my bloody finger was covered by a glove, it looked pretty gruesome. Around 11:30, I was sent home for the day. I was considering going to see if I needed stitiches, but now it looks like little more than a really deep paper cut.
So. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done to earn yourself a day off?
Is there a statute of limitations for mass murdering family pets? If yes, then I will tell my tale of evil, if no, then I disavow ever making this post.
Well, I got depressed one night, downed a 6 pack of cheap beer (those big-ass 16 oz cans), and ate a whole bag of dorritos.
I was too busy throwing up orange-colored mush the next morning to go to work.
That may seem like a bad mix of depression and immature drinking habits, but I maintain that it was a brilliant ploy to get out of work.
I once decided I didn’t like a job I was on and just walked out. Dumped the file I was working on on a desk, grabbed my coat and never came back. It was a temp job that hadn’t matched the description (thanks again, Adecco bastards), even though the boss there was a decent bloke, and I couldn’t take anymore.
A wedding I’d attended the night before was held outside at a friends house and the dance floor was the concrete patio. I was wearing these 3 inch heals which I removed once I got a little drunk. I danced the soles off my feet and could barely walk the next day. They sent me home after an hour of being on my feet. I had to soak my sock off.