Some things you should (or would) never ever Google

Don’t google Computer Killer: Mega Virus Auto Launcher v2.1

“Tossed salad” may not yield the results you’d expect if you’re only seaching for recipes. Since I am at work right now I won’t attempt to confirm this.

I understand that typing will get you to the government site. Typing it with “.com” will get you to a porn site.

I can’t confirm this, cause I won’t do it.

The first thing that jumped into my head when I saw the thread title was “Harlequin baby”. Truly disturbing. I think I first found out about the condition here on the SD, when someone casually mentioned it in a thread, and I toddled off to do some research. Yeeesh. Sometimes, just occasionally, I could live without my ignorance being fought.

“Harlequin ichthyosis” sounds like when your romance novel gets covered with white spots.

“Harlequin Baby” sounds like a freebie small romance novel they give away to get you hooked on them.
I’m not even close to right in either case, am I?
I don’t think I want to see what they really are.

By the way, the wikpedia article on the condition is very interesting, and has some more info on the sisters mentioned by 1920s Style “Death Ray”. (There is a photo of an adolescent boy with the condition, but it’s not too disturbing compared to other photos that are out there.)

I was trying to find a picture online of a halberd, a medieval weapon that’s basically an axe on a pike. If you ever want to do that, for heaven’s sake don’t misspell it “halbred.”


At least be good enough to tell us what a halbred is, so we aren’t tempted to google it.

Me, I never google scary electron micrographs of bugs or anything like that.

Hal bred? (work-safe, not scary)

What are intended to be innocent searches can return interesting results. A few years back, a friend and I were looking for an image of the leprechaun from Lucky Charms so we could swipe his hat and put it on Barney Gumbel for a beer label for our latest batch. So I googled “lucky charms” +“magically delicious”.

We got thousands upon thousands of porn sites. Not a leprechaun listed.

My son has a toy moose that was made from a single piece of thick leather, cut and shaped over a mold and then stiffened to hold its shape. He enjoys this moose very much and I was curious as to whether there were other similar animals available to fill out a little menagerie for him.

Anyhoo, never search for ‘leather bear’…

“Hairy black tongue” is a side-effect from a medication I was on a couple of years ago. I wanted to find out what that was. It’s not pretty. I thankfully did not get it.

It’s sad that as soon as I post this, someone’s going to google it.

Do not google casa marzu if you have at some point in your life eaten, expect to eat, enjoy eating on occasion, etc.

I don’t see a problem with it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would not do a Google search for sites leading to information on how to kill prominent leaders of North American republics.

I’m not even comfortable saying exactly what I wouldn’t search for.


I learned years ago when my friend was pregnant - never Google “Bambi” without “Disney” if you are looking for pictures of cartoon woodland creatures. :smack:

Neither do I.

I can confirm that is a porn site. I can also confirm that if you mis-dial our Human Resources department and use 800- instead of 877- you will get a sex line.

Probably shouldn’t google “how to waste lots of time at work” while at work.

Many years ago, I was working with a group of engineering students on a unique project: we were designing a habitat for a captive tiger.

I thought it would be a good idea to look up any laws or regulations on the treatment of large cats. From that I learned never type “exotic cats + legal” into a search engine.

Quite a shock to my then 19-year-old mind. (and I was very naive)

I raise a type of laying hens-Golden Sex Links to be precise.
Sometimes people want to read more about them on the internet.
I always warn them not to randomly google Golden Sex Links.