Someone is convinced a friend of mine is a lesbian

His main argument:She doesn’t have a boyfrend! (she cute, and sweet, and NOBODY can find a bad thing to say about her). The guy’s a complete yutz anyway, so I just dismiss it. I have a (not so) secret raging crush on her, and the fact she won’t date me contributes to this conclusion. This guy has MAJOR anti-gay hangups, bordering on obsession. She told me she’s hetero, but I knew that, as we had been on a (her end) platonic date, but I shortly wanted our relationship to turn romantic. She’s satisfied with her life so men are not on her radar.


This should probably be moved to the Pit, but I’m not all that pissed at the guy, just irked.

Hon, if she says that she is hetero, she’s hetero. if she decides differently later on, you’ll find out. In the meantime, tell your ‘someone’ to grow up.

And enjoy the crush. I’ve always found secret pining to be soul enriching, as long as it dosent turn obessive.

Papa I tell him to “grow up”, and he makes me want to :rolleyes: so I just brush it off. As to her “coming out” I’m sure I’ll be a first to find out. As I said above, she’s well aware of how I feel about her.

I guess my response to this nimrod would be a combination of “So what?,” “And even if she were, that would affect you how, exactly?,” and “It’s none of your business either way.” :rolleyes: indeed. What a maroon (the guy, that is). If you can dismiss him, more power to ya.

Why would a man care if a women was a lesbian unless he was dating her and felt she, as a lesbian, could never really love him or had a girlfriend (girl, just friends) or sister or someone who was interested but too shy to ask…

Maybe he made a move on her, and got slapped down. Isn’t lesbianism what yutzes attribute to being rejected?