Someone Wants to Kick My Ass!


Can you believe it?!?! Here I am, a 31-year-old (in two weeks) man in a schoolyard fisticuffs-type situation.

Here’s the deal: a guy I work with at my night job (delivering pizza for a major national chain) has had a beef with me for a few days. Basically there was some confusion over whose turn it was to deliver, and he got all huffy about it, yada yada yada. Anyway, nowadays all he does is give me dirty looks; he won’t speak to me. Word on the street [sub]so to speak[/sub] is that he wants to kick my ass.

I’m somewhat flattered, honestly. I didn’t know I could have that affect on people. Anyway, I’m a little too old and a little too out of shape to go about swinging my fists, so I’m hoping the thing will just blow over. If he does try to kick my ass, it’ll be worth it. The guy’s here on a student visa, and I’m pretty sure Misdemeanor Assault is grounds for deportation. I could tolerate a black eye to have this guy shipped out of the country.

Thanks for letting me vent.

A lot of people TALK about kicking someone’s ass; few people have the balls to actually try. Unless he’s been to prison for this before, don’t worry about it. If he hasn’t done anything already, than he never will.

This is assuming you never get in his face and ask for trouble.

Sounds like a bully. Bullies always back down.

And if he doesn’t… then you’re right… this guy is gonna lose much more than his job if he fucks with you, and I think he knows that.

Have you spoken to him? Said something like “hey, you seem upset with me, have I done something to make you angry?” It sounds trite, but he may just want to vent, or may just want to hear that he was right.

And Lizard is right… after high schol, employed, bill-paying adults simply don’t go around beating people up.

Of course, the simple fact that’s he working paid employment on a student visa is probably grounds for deportation by itself, should the authorities get wind…

Not that I’m suggesting anything.

rastahomie, I don’t think you have much to worry about, he may be upset with you but I don’t think anything will come of it.

However, if asks to see you out by the bike rack, then you might start to think about looking for that big kid, Linderman, to be your Bodyguard.

Well, if you do end up fighting this guy, just remember: testicles and eyeballs.

Yes, send him back! We’ve got too many homegrown bullies already; why do we need to import them?

[ul][list][list]PERSONAL SIZE PEPPERONI IN THE FACE[LIST][LIST]:rolleyes:[/ul][SUB]Just a suggestion[/sub]

FarmerOak said

Well, almost right. The abused just transfer their agression to their wives and girlfriends. :frowning:

Well, actually on a student visa you can do up to six months of work as “practical training”. But assault is definitely a deportable offence. It happened to a DJ I knew in San Francisco a few years ago - got in a bar brawl and got chucked out back to Britain.