Spammers with fun names

I’m starting to save some of the more interesting names that come through my spam folder, just in case I ever have a novel to write and can’t come up with names for my characters.

Some of the good ones this week:

Topsy Babin
Boutros Hersom
Epiphany Scalia
Mairwen Luter
Jacinta Hiltz

So who’s been trying to sell you L0wPricce Medz? Replica Rolexes? I want names!

Mohamed Shultz is promising me pre-approval for a home loan!

Nasty Helen claims to have spotted me on Yahoo!Messenger

Elvia Friend “This is most modern and safe way not to cover with shame”

In addition, I have:
Csaba Sutphin
Viljami Satcher
Akilah Chantelle
corbett gnome
Hung Montano

I also get a lot of spam from someone called Final Notice.
This would be a good thread to fish for a new user name.

Great thread.

I’ve recieved emails from Jon Lovitz and Jennifer Tilly.

I’ve also been hit up by a bevy of international businesspeople:

Achmed Mohammed: “they will do anything for money cut flies”

Trevor Peacock" “college fu-iuking would frame”

Gunther Jenson" “they plaing with ku-um key apple”

And just last week Angus Abdul offered me “fuk on farm video :-)”

If I could find him, I’d knock off his turban, then kick him under his kilt.

I just deleted my spam before starting to surf the SDMB, or else I’d have noted the names of my latest would-be electronic “pen” pals (some of whom should be in the “pen” for fraud).

About a month ago, I received no fewer than seven solicitations (over about a week’s span) from Frank Herbert, who invited me to do everything from Meet a very sexy girl now to Get best prices on C!ali$ and other medz. Guess the author of Dune has found a way to communicate from beyond the grave – gives a whole new meaning to the concept of the Ethernet!

I have a long list of interesting spam names, but the three I want to party with are:

Arachnid Q. Landownder
Farted H. Corrugate
Klingon D. Leavening

Anytime I get an email with First name, middle initial, and last name, I can 99% guarantee it’s a spam.

Aww, I send e-mail with First, Middle, Last. Damn it, Jim, I’m a professor, not a spammer!

Linseed V. Shoshana

I have received word about my penis options from these gentlemen within the past week:

Clement Emery
Lenard Moody

reade eduardo sends this melancholic and inexplicable message: “As uneasy as a cat near water. Plant kindness and gather love. Sow dry and set wet. Want my place in the sun. Shit happens. Putting it in a nutshell. Raking in the dough. Two peas in a pod. There is always next year. Worked night and day. A stepping stone to. Tools of the trade. When we love - we grow. Water under the bridge. A place in the sun. Sour as a green apple. Tools of the trade. Tall as a tree. Useless as tits on bull.”