For all of us Americans, Firday is Independence Day, a day of picnics and fireworks, because that’s what made America great! All around southern Merrylande, there are vendors of Buy One Get One Free Fireworks, altho in this state, you’re not allowed to have anything that moves when ignited. Not that it affects us - we pretty much stay away from the festivities and the crowds.
But it’s a short work week for most, so there’s that!
Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN 'Tis 74 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 94 for the day. That’s one degree cooler than yestiddy. Well, BRRRRRR!!!
Yay for short week this week! Firday folks are comin’ out to the cee-mint pond for merriment. Ima smoke ribs and chikin. Folks are also comin’ on Sattidy to continue the merriment and help eat up leftovers. A weekend of sloth and gluttony has been planned to celebrate Independence Day just as our forefathers envisioned it would be!
Ok, that’s all I got. I need more caffiene and rumbly tummy is hongry. Then, alas and alack, irk purtification must commence. Oh well at least it’s a four day week this week.
I is back from the dead, sort of. Tuesday night I slipped on some water left over from my bath and wrenched my back pretty badly. Wednesday - Friday was spent mostly in a drug induced haze. Things are definately better but still twingy.
I think we might get rained out this 4th. There is a tropical depression that is threatening to be all doom and gloom and some stuff.
I looked at our long-range forecast - our high on the 4th is supposed to be 78! How weird is that??? I’d welcome some rain, and since I have no plans, when it comes makes no difference to me.
I’m rested from the weekend of radio-induced sleep deprivation, and in the process of caffeinatin’ and such. The sprog is going to Arizona with his grandparents this Saturday, so I’m FREE! for a week. I love the sprog and I miss him when he’s gone, but I can’t miss him if he won’t go away. He gets to go to Texas in August for two weeks to visit his other grandparents (my parents), so that’s another two weeks of freedom. Hallelujah!
More later, once the sprog is out of the house for the day.
Firday, I will be watching the fireworks show on the Charles River in Boston. Not sure if we’ll trundle on down to the river, or go up to the roof of the hotel, but I’ll be watching with 2000 of my closest friends.
I have to run out today, it’s the last day to get double points on my gas discount. I think I’ll get 60 cents off a gallon instead of 30. While out I’ll go to Taco Hell and get Sah-son some tacos. He said I told him I’d bring some home Saturday night but I don’t remember saying that. He’s a good kid so tacos it is. My phone still drops calls so I have to call AT&T again today. I uninstalled *Words with Friends * since it keeps freezing up and I thought it may be the problem but calls are still being dropped. The last thing on the agenda is to talk to the realtor and see what is up.
Nothing special planned for the 4th for me. My uncle is having his annual barbeque but I doubt I am going. I should go and see everybody, maybe I will. It’s hard for me to plan anything what with the medical issues I’m having.
**Jynx **sorry to hear about the back. (Knock on wood) mine hasn’t gone out yet, but if I don’t change my ways it will, I know it.
Spent Saturday with a friend doing demolition of his parent’s front steps. They were cheap precast concrete and they had fallen apart. Bashed and picked out about a ton of concrete. Next weekend we build new steps. I am making them out of wood, heavily protected with deck paint, in deference to the budget we have.
Yesterday my sister, her husband & I celebrated my parent’s 60th wedding anniversary. A nice lunch at a steakhouse.
A few more weeks of work then to commence vacation time. It can’t come soon enough.
Have a good week everyone!
Ps **Bob **hope you’re doing better! Is this a response to the gall bladder removal?
Yes. Not eating much, not so much a lack of appetite, as a lack of receiving room from a swollen liver. Two pieces of french toast this morning for brekkies, and eating them all was an effort. Normally, that much would be a warm-up.
In the YUUUCCCKKKK dept:
I was driving to irk this morning, stopped at a light. A truck turns, coming out of the park parking lot. It is a stake-body truck with a large holding tank in the back. It’s carrying a trailer with three similar, tall, blue objects on it. As it turned, I see a largeish quantity of liquid sploosh out of the holding tank & land on the road. I decided to change lanes before proceeding & made sure to stay far away from the truck.
The 3 tall, blue objects on the trailer were porta-johns. I don’t know if the holding tank was from cleaning them out or the blue liquid they put in them when they set them up to be used again but I’m thinking the former. Either way, I didn’t want to be anywhere near it!
Like I said, YUUCCCKKK!!!
All I could think of was So, …How’s your day going"
Sah-son should be up by now so I can go get gas and tacos - kind of the same thing when you think about it. Won’t be my gas though, I don’t like Taco Hell.
I haven’t heard from the realtor and I’ll call AT&T when I get back.
We really lucked out this morning - it stayed overcast and relatively cool while **FCD **was on the roof cleaning the gutters. He flung stuff to the ground and I cleaned it up. Then we showered (again) and had a quick McBreakfast before doing some grocery shopping. Somewhere in there, I ran the dishwasher - I should probably empty it.
He’s in the process of disassembling his bike. He decided he doesn’t like the way he painted it - he got tired of the steampunk stuff real fast, so he’s doing it again with a pirate theme. I’ll be helping him take the fenders and gas tank off and he’ll begin the messy process of sanding off all the artwork he did earlier this year. I’m glad we’ve got photos. And I’m supposed to document the repainting with more photos for his portfolio. I hope he gets some chances to show the bike that will lead to some work for him. Anybody want a motorcycle painted? Or a riding mower? Or a jet ski? I know a guy…
I still have the scratches where somebody keyed my truck.
You can only see them in a certain light but maybe an interesting pic on the side would look cool.
I was supposed to be having allergy patch testing today. It’s been put off, because they couldn’t find enough space that wasn’t already covered in eczema to put the patches on.
They smothered me in horrible gooey moisturiser and stuff instead, and are putting me back on steroids.
And took blood, of course, because they’re never quite happy if you leave a hospital with the same amount of blood you went in with.
Hope everyone gets better soon that isn’t pretty good already.