Star Trek TOS: Who was the most beautiful woman?

This is for Star Trek the original series only. In the original series, who was the most beautiful woman to appear?

My vote is for France Nguyen, who appeared in the episode Elaan Of Troyius.

Jill Ireland.

Terry Gar.

Someone at Hanes needs to understand that seeing her butt in their underwear doesn’t make me want to buy their underwear.

What can I say, she’s still hot.


Joan Collens as Edith Keeler

Lt. Uhura!

Dr. Helen Noel.

This babe was always the hottest

Nancy Kovack

sigh. Why do they always put fake ears on an actor and hope people will think it’s an alien? I mean, what was that, a Vulcan?


Oh yeah, she was definitely my favorite from the original series, followed by the Captain’s Woman from the mirror universe…


Lt. Marlena Moreau in “Mirror, Mirror”

Honorable mention:
The android in “What Are Little Girls Made Of”, and
Yeoman Rand

I can’t believe I forgot her. I’ll have to revise my favorites:

  1. Sherry Jackson as Andrea in What are Little Girls made of?

  2. Marianna Hill as Dr. Helen Noel in Dagger of the Mind’s Eye

  3. Barbara Luna as Marlena Moreau in Mirror, Mirror

Eric :slight_smile:

3 words: dancing. slave. girl. Yow.

No contest. Nichelle Nichols.

I have to vote for Sherri Jackson. But I think the history of Star Treck costume design would have been forever changed if Nichelle Nichols didn’t have a GREAT set of legs, and Bill Theiss had ended up putting all the female crew members in slacks.

In terms of sheer “hottiness” I’d give the nod to Nancy Kovack.

And I can’t believe no one has mentioned Julie Newmar. Granted, she was pregnant throughout the episode, But COME ON, it was still Julie Newmar.

Slortar, you mean Yvonne Craig, aka Batgirl, from the episode with Captain Garth?

My top three are France Nuyen, Arlene Martel (T’Pring), and Lee Meriwhether (Losira, aka Catwoman).

Losira… first female starship captain… my wife wanted to name our daughter Losira… my mother didn’t speak to us for two weeks…

Good pull folks…I love that Helen Noel (Marianna Hill) has gotten so many mentions here. But how can any discussion about TOS babes not start with Vina (Susan Oliver) from “The Menagerie,” particularly as an Orion slave girl?? Mmmmrrooowwrrr. And Yeoman Smith, who preceded Yeoman Rand in the earlier episodes, was a hottie.
Oh, and it was Mariette Hartley’s role of Zarabeth that provided me with my lifelong fetish for fur bikinis :slight_smile:


Android Girl (already mentioned)

The Chick from the really really fast people.
The chick from the people from Andromeda who turned the crew to cubes.

The crewChick on that episode who did not get crushed.

The cute little red hair yomen from the pilot.

Spocks girlfriend from the planet with the mind control flowers.
Dr. Pulaski on the one with the big spheres.

And finally the one in the tinfoil bikini from The Gamester of Triskillion.

I’d pay some serious quatludes to score on her.

BTW I posted this way because I know some of you will enjoy the challenge of nameing each of these women.

I liked Grace Lee Whitney.
Sure she had a basket head hairdo but those legs…

Though I don’t condone Evil Kirk’s actions I can understand his motivations.

Gotta go with the Evil Lt. Marlena Moreau, but i’d also take the green chick…:smiley: