Star Wars Gamers, Please help me find this

I am looking for a specific Star Wars First Person Shooter console game I loved in the near past and want to play again with my young son. I believe it was for Playstation 4, but it might be Playstation 3 or an Xbox generation.

It had local hotseat mode, a mini campaign and each battle was a match on a different planet but you could pick to some degree where you went. You could also hop into AT-ATs and land speeders and such.

Now you’d be tempted to say Battlefront or Battlefront II but I just purchased both of those in the PS4 store including all the updated content and bonus material that came out after I hung up my controllers in the 90’s and while they both offer some of the features I was talking about it doesn’t have the ‘Running Around Mos Eisley with A List Characters played by your friends’ level fun of the game I am talking about has.

I know someone here knows the game I am talking about.

Thanks in advance for the help. Hope I can still get this on a system I own.

Was it Star Wars Galaxies?

How did you have a PS 3 or 4 or Xbox in the 90s?

That’s pretty easy because there have been very few of them. Here’s the entire list.

If it’s not one of those games then it wasn’t a FPS.

Ah, but there are four of them. The series was rebooted around 2015; the first two were circa 2005.

The first ones are third person, IIRC, not an FPS.

Star Wars Republic Commando?

Sounds like one of the first Battlefront games, circa 2004/2005. They were 1st and 3rd person on PC not sure about console.

And the old Battlefront games can be purchased for PC on

I was finding that confusing too but I think that comment may have been unrelated to the game search.

Given “Playstation 3 or an Xbox generation” in the first paragraph, I’m pretty sure the game they’re looking for is post-2001.

It certainly wasn’t galaxies.

You guys are right, it is likely Battlefront of some variety I do not yet possess.

What edition do I need and can I play this CURRENTLY on a Playstation 4?

The games were recently, as in a few weeks ago, rereleased as the Star Wars Battlefront Classic collection on PS4 and PS5. Lots of negative reviews due to bugs and other issues at release though, not sure of current state after patches.

I’ll look into it, thanks. I thought I already purchased that in the Playstation Store. ???

Well, you either bought the first set (ca 2005) or the second set (ca 2015). Is it an FPS or is it third person?

3rd person as you run around and on land speeders, but I believe 1st person inside space ships and AT-ATs and AT-STs.

It was the fun local multiplayer mini campaign you could play I loved so much. Either Old Republic or Galactic Empire it made these disconnected battles on different planets cohesively gel together. On each planet you got to play the cool badass guy specific to that planet, but first he/she had to be unlocked with some kills for your team.

That’s the old one.

It was just a re-released a month or so ago as the “Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection” and should be available on the ps4 store. It has not been well received, but I think a lot of that is because of its multiplayer functionality. Might be fine for local play.

It was the 2005 Battlefront.