Anyone else watching this? I didn’t even realize this started tonight until I was surfing through my onscreen guide.
Yea, same here. I didn’t know this was on tonight until I was channel surfing after DollHouse. I checked the guide, and it will be repeating at 11:00pm Eastern tonight (about 40 min). I’m going to watch it then from the beginning.
And, without cable/satellite, I get to wait a year.
I watched it.
Wow. Very different feel from previous Stargate series. Very dark and brooding.
I think I see the effects of post-BSG SF here.
Can’t say that any of the characters or any of the actors grabs me though.
Haven’t watched yet, but the SO watched it and asked me to explain it to her. I’ll probably watch tomorrow.
It’s kinda hard to make heards or tails of the show so far; apparently they’ve just shown the first two hours of a three-hour pilot (at least on Space here in Canada). We saw a bit about how the ship has an advanced AI that can make not-so-obvious decisions that can drive the plot forward, which could be interesting.
I really, really liked the opening scene, with everyone stumbling through the gate. It was a great way of setting the tone for a darker Stargate series. The ship has an interesting look and feel to it, too.
It’s too soon to tell whether I’ll like any of the characters, but I’m definitely going to keep watching for now.
I liked it. I haven’t decided yet if it takes more after Star Trek Voyager or Battlestar Galactica (mood and lighting and everything is definitely BSG). One note, though, for the directors of tv and movies:
When people are just chatting with each other casually, they don’t need to be bobbing around on my tv screen. A little shakycam used judiciously goes a looooooong way.
Robert Carlyle was excellent. The commander of the grunts was excellent. I loved Eli. I’m very interested to watch their continuing adventures.
I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to call it SGU: BSG or SGU: Battleger.
Is the Greer character really supposed to be a USMC Master Sergeant? At 20 or so, he’d maybe be a Corporal, about to make Sergeant. But an E-8?
It’s a mash-up of both shows, but the producers also decided to throw in The Last Starfighter to get the 8 to 12 years olds from 1984 to watch. Unfortunately for the producers, that audience has grown up.
Horrible show. Horrid.
The slightly darker and more realistic/edgy feel
Love Matthew! Great character and also eye candy
A sex scene on stargate lol
Annoying politician guy dies
The steampunky art direction and gate design
The Last Starfighter reference
The cameos
The body switching stones (although the connecting device seems to have changed?)
Planet splosion!
The medic and others having to step up into more challenging roles
The Daniel Jackson stargate PBS documentary
Don’t like:
When did the Lucian alliance get so powerful?
Two scenes where the dialogue was all mashedtogether
When the people were flying through the stargate I was sure that the gate onthe other end must have fallen down and they were jumping down into it, but no, there was no reasno for that
I like the inside of the ship, but the outside is a little too busy
The shuttles really should be in a bay and not on top of the ship
Are there really no backup CO2 scrubbers in storage?
Lack of other cameos
Up in the air:
Still a lot of set up - remains to be seen what the typical episode will be like
Still haven’t seen what the opening titles will be
Looks like Matthew is being set up fora love triangle
The doctor guy seems a little morally ambiguous - dialing to the 9th chevron instead of alpha base was reckless, and we still don’t have confirmation about his claims of O’Neil putting him in charge
There’s a lot of extras, I wonder if they will be handled better than Nikki and Paulo on Lost
I didn’t really understand the whole issue with the door having to be closed from the outside
What’s up with the health of the commander guy in his flashback?
I guess the asian lady is supposed to be gay, but I missed whether they showed who she was in a relationship with
Naw, it wasn’t that bad. Not great, but not horrible or horrid.
The shuttle’s airlock door was jammed open. The interior door that could block off the leak could only be closed from the inside and when it was closed, whoever was inside would die because of the air leak.
The commander had/has health problems that will likely present themselves as the series goes on.
The Asian lady looked to be in a relationship with the medic girl I think.
I see a lot of potential. I think I’m probably missing a few things because I haven’t seen the last couple seasons of SG-1, but I followed it pretty well. Although I can’t remember anything about a 9-Chevron address in the Atlantis Database, I’m willing to believe that I totally missed it, or that they just made it up on the spot. Fine by me.
I definitely like the darker feel, and I’m happy to hear I wasn’t the only person making Last Starfighter jokes when Eli was recruited. I can’t wait to see where they take it.
Fans have been speculating about the 9th chevron for years, and I believe the producers & writers have also let it be known for a couple years now the 9th chevron would be called into play for the new series, so it’s not an “on the spot” thing.
Ah. Truth to tell, I’ve only “discovered” Stargate in the last year or two–I suppose I’ve missed the majority of fan speculation. But what I really meant was that I don’t recall anybody ever saying “Hey, we found this nine-chevron address! Weird, huh?”
Whatever, I’ll keep watching just because I enjoy it.
jackdavinci: a couple points you raised were addressed at one point or another in the extended SG universe.
From the dislikes column:
It has been established that gates that are “misaligned,” mistuned," or otherwise “in need of maintenance” can behave in the way we see. In fact, in the original Stargate movie, the first trip to Abydos was pretty rough. I think (IOW, IIRC) it was established that the Stargates communicate with each other when they connect, trading updated position info, which is then passed on through the SG network when it dials another gate, and so on.
IIRC, this info is stored in the DHD, which Earth didn’t have (it was lost, or never recovered) when it unearthed the original Stargate. Later, there was a DHD located with the Antarctic Stargate, but by that time, SGC had pretty much recreated a DHD using Earth-tech computers.
From the questions column:
I’m not sure what you mean about the commander; do you mean this guy? He took a solid knock to the noggin coming through the Stargate as the planet went all 'splodey around him.
Draelin: Yeah, I don’t recall them finding a nine-chevron address but they probably never did come across a nine-chevron address. But, Stargates have always had nine chevrons (with the lower two obscured by platforms, etc.) and when Carter et. al. stumbled across eight-chevron addresses and how to make them work, I’m sure there must have been a “hm… seven chevrons does this, eight chevrons does that, the thing has nine chevrons… nah, couldn’t be!” moment.
Yeah I guess it could be because they were gating in from the wrong planet and hacked the 9th chevron to work. It also looked a little to me like they had the same lowering of temperature problem that they had in the beginning of the series, although that could have also just been the ship being cold.
He took a solid knock to the noggin coming through the Stargate as the planet went all 'splodey around him.
Yeah I get that he was injured on the ship, but in his flashback while he was talking to his wife he had some sort of health crisis.
It had been previously established that there was a mysterious 9th chevron, but they didn’t find the address in previous shows or movies. For plot advancement purposes, they left the showing of them making the discovery of the address off screen. They did the same thing in the SG:Atlantis pilot - referring to the discovery of the Atlantis address rather than showing it. I understood the background, but they probably made Daniel Jackson’s documentary a little too muddled for new viewers.
Just got done watching. What you saw was what he was dreaming rather than a flashback. As he started to regain consciousness, his dream self also started to experience his injuries, more or less.
Other thoughts:
With the exception of a president shown to be a heroic, stand-up kind of guy, Stargate has spent 10 years delightfully portraying senators, congressmen & politicians in general in the worst possible light. At best, they’re sneaky, greedy, conniving, foolishly evil bastards who more than deserve to die. So this first ep was a big apology, I guess? Good politician saves the day? Still dies though.
Nicolas Rush: The only character who grew on me at all. Obviously central to the show. Genius, but not Carter and not McKay. Seems to actually care in his own way. Or does he?
Lt. Scott. AKA, NOT GAY, because we know he’s NOT GAY because we saw him FUCKING A CHICK at the beginning of the show. From this, we can conclude he Is NOT GAY. All you slash fic writers leave him alone. He is NOT GAY. Too bad, he might be interesting otherwise.
Hot blond Lt. “JT” and civilian Bitchy Asian Lesbian: Way gay. BAL is expendable. Bitchy Asian lesbians are always expendable in Vancouver. I think it’s a rule. I guess we’re stuck with hot blond only a medic but luckily was going to go to medical school so I’m sure she’ll be a whiz at medical stuff. Total lesbian for BAL, but if she lives long enough, she’ll turn really straightish for NOT GAY or somebody else of the male persuasion.
Colonel Young: Go back to sleep Colonel. I don’t think you’re necessary.
Eli: irritating. Not cute. I hate seeing obese people in military uniform. Don’t do that again.
Chloe, senator’s daughter: Irritating. Air lock her now. Oh wait, NOT GAY needs another CHICK TO FUCK, because he’s NOT GAY. Really disposable.
Greer: Ambiguously blatino, already in trouble, with a dark and troubled past no doubt we’ll be bored with when it’s his turn for an episode & back story. Expendable.
Anyone else? I’ll be watching of course. It’d have to be Flash Gordon bad for me not to. Oh, who am I kidding, I watched the new Flash Gordon too. NOT that I’m saying this is anything like that. No. I really did like it. Most of the characters just don’t grab me. It’s a great set up for an episodic show though. The ship is going to stop someplace new every week for 12 hours. Better not be late getting back. Interesting that there is something in each place the ship thinks they need in response to Rush’s informing it “we’re in trouble.” What sorts of things is the ship going to decide they need? Hello ship? We could really use a toilet paper & tooth brush planet! My money is on at least half the planets being populated with the exact same vaguely medieval types of people who populate most of at least three or four galaxies we’ve visited so far.
Criminey, can’t this turkey franchise just freakin’ DIE already!