I recently have been invited to my friends bachelorette party. When I brought the issue up to my SO I told him that there wasnt going to be a stripper. Then we got to talking about bachelor parties in general and he brought up the fact that he is going to have a stripper for his bachelor party when we decide to get married someday. I was like okay that is fine as long as there is no touching involved. He on the other hand begs to differ.
My SO believes that on that very night it is okay to be touching another womans body (the stripper)as long as its not sex. He says its would be the last opportunity for him to experience being a bachelor, and its not like their is feeling behind it…its just for fun. Now I believe totally the opposite.
I believe that if he has the urge to be touching another woman then maybe he should rethink the whole wedding thing. My reasoning for this lays in the fact first
#1. We already made a commitment to each other to be with each other only, and this involves hands off other woman vis versa for me and men.
#2. Just because you have only “fondled” 2 woman (so you have said) in you life doesnt mean that the night before your wedding you are allowed to experience it again just because you feel as if you havent taken the opportunity to do so before making a commitment to someone (me).
#3. Respect the bond that you have put so much into prior to that date. I mean to me fondling any woman including a stripper is crossing the lines and considered possible cheating in my book because you are breaking that faithful trust you have gained from the other even if for you its just a night of playful fun.
Well that is my thoughts on it…so here is my question to you all…is it okay for a man or a woman at this matter to do such things with a stripper on the night of their bacherlor party. Am I wrong for how I feel about it and should I just relax and give him this little bit of freedom before he decides to take the deep plunge into marriage??