Stripping Card Games

Why is it that poker is really the only card game that has a variation whereby losers are made to strip off an item of their clothing, hence the game “Strip Poker”?

Who decided that Poker was gonna have this option and not say for example “strip snap” or “strip pontoon” or maybe even “strip Wheel-of-fortune!!”??

Although you can effectively customise any game to have losers strip (which is a fantastic idea I might add) it seems that Poker is THE card game that you would automatically suggest stripping off to. And what really bugs me is that I havent got the faintest bloody idea how you play Poker, which inevitably means that yours turely ends up in the nod within 5 minutes of playing. Which by the way, is not a pretty sight! hehehehehee…

Now THAT is not something you hear in the US every day? All I can say is Huh?

Hello to the UK, from the USA.

New and Improved

It might simply be that Poker is the card game with rules that are most universally known by young and old and across national boundaries. Sure there might be other games that might be well known but ‘strip musical chairs’ or ‘strip contract bridge’ just wouldn’t be the same, although I’d like to at least try ‘strip musical chairs’ (Hey now, only one to a chair !).

A friend of mine once suggested a round of “full-contact Monopoly”…but I was a little bit too frightened to ask him for details.

is much more fun than strip poker.

They have a tv show called STRIP POKER. It’s on late at night, I forgot what channel. Four people, two guys, two girls & they strip. Its not captioned & it looks really really dumb.

Hmmm, you know, until now i never really thought
about playing Strip something else…
I wonder if the wife would be interested in
playing Strip Sony Playstation this weekend?
Nah, she knows i can kill her in any game.
hmmm, maybe Strip Gin Rummy. lol

Ahhh, strip poker. I met my husband at a strip poker game. Found out later he was stacking the deck against me…
Naked Twister is fun. It’s even more fun if you add baby oil to the mix.

Strip Scrabble. Whenever you discard tiles to draw new ones, you discard an article of clothing.

Strip Monopoly. As featured in the first “Friday the 13th” movie. Just watch out for the psycho ax murderer hiding in the bathroom.

Boy, there’s nothing like getting together with good friends and good beer and getting stark-ass naked, is there?

What happens when you land on free parking?

The USA channel, where else?

This is quite possibly the absolute worst program to ever air on television. It is worse than Rock n’ Bowl.

But, don’t take my word for it, watch it yourself.

Several of my Jewish friends have fond memories of strip dreidel (sp?) during Chaunukah. Another reason to convert.

As a pet peeve, I have never been involved in a strip poker game that went to, ahem, consumation. The women ALWAYS quit just before they had to show the goodies. Likely because they were afraid they couldn’t control themselves in my presence, but still, dammit.


I’ve played strip Trivial Pursuit…it’s loads of fun.

I once played in a game of strip poker…halfway through, we all decided we weren’t getting naked fast enough, so we switched over to strip Indian poker. (aka, Polish poker, everyone is dealt one card which you can’t look at, you stick the card to your forehead, the one with the high card wins, everyone else has to take off a piece of clothing.)

On a chat room I used to frequent, we would occasionally play strip hangman. I know, I know, it isn’t quite the same. And Marlitharn, any guy who manages to get any girl to play strip anything is guaranteed to cheat however he can. Your options are to cheat back, or to enjoy it.
And of course, there’s always the old joke:
Guy: Want to play strip poker?
Girl: No, thanks
Guy: What, afraid you’ll lose?
Girl: No, afraid I’ll win

I once played a thrilling round of Mario Cart for Sexual Favors with an Ex. At the start of each race, we named the . . . um . . . prize that we were after. It didn’t take long for us to abandon the game, retire to the bedroom and redeem prizes with wild abandon.

Now that’s out of the way and I can more directly address the OP. Once, long ago, I did engage in a delightful game of strip Asshole. This is a card game that I can’t explain now any better than I could understand it at the time. My lack of clarity with respect to the rules combined with excessive consumption of alcohol resulted in a very chilly evening for yours truly.

Any activity can be made to bear a sexual theme. That, of course, does not mean that everything should.

Of course, this could be taken way too far.

Can you imagine Strip Hungry Hungry Hippos? Or, with the Olympics coming up, Strip Hurdles? Ouch.

My SO and I have been known to play Strip Chess every now and then (pawns don’t count), but now I have a few more ideas, thanks!

So, if you promote a pawn, do you get to put an article of clothing back on?? :smiley:

(Like anyone cares about putting clothes back on)

I used to play strip chess too though pawns DID count in our games.

Strip Twister is great (highly recommended).

But the weirdest I’ve ever played would have to be Strip Friends: a variation on a drinking game. We taped Friends for a few weeks instead of watching after having set some ground rules down. Each of us was given a quote, an action and a person-specific action as well as a character each. Whenever that action/quote occurred a piece of clothing was removed. Whenever a character got burnt by another the corresponding ‘owner’ lost a piece of clothing.

Great fun after a couple of drinks.

And great fun after.