Stud/Chick points

I’m starting this at Zyada’s suggestion. It was her idea! Really!

I’ve been telling people that my girlfriend is a belly dancer I met in Las Vegas. I get great reactions, and accumulate many Stud Points[sup]TM[/sup]. (I do admit later that the dancing is a hobby and she doesn’t live in Vegas, but I still get to keep the Points.)

Certainly there are many other valid descriptions of your relationship or SO (or anything else that works) that Dopers can make to get Stud Points[sup]TM[/sup] or Chick Points[sup]TM[/sup]. (Or should that be Babe Points[sup]TM[/sup] instead?) The only requirement here is that your way of getting the Points must be absolutely truthful - no lies at all, but half-truths are certainly OK, since that’s what I do.

Give us your Stud/Chick Points[sup]TM[/sup] stories!

I’m engaged to a beautiful Swedish woman. Does that count for any? :slight_smile:

I’m going to DC tomorrow to “chaperone” a bachelorette party.

Originally, it was supposed to be 10 women + me and another guy going to Mardi Gras, but that fell through. Now it’s just me and 4 women from Thursday to Monday.

Details to follow.

Wish I could gather enough cash and time to put together another Vegas Dopefest. :frowning: I had planned on doing it at the Luxor this year. Maybe next year and we can all join rjk and Zyada in a Vegas wedding. :wink:

< sigh >

We had a damn good time.

Heh! I like this thread!

Okey-dokey, here goes:

My BF gets Stud Points for:

[li] Being a pilot. Totally hot. The last big trip we took was a flight down the Hudson and around the Statue of Liberty. (He looks quite tasty in them ole aviator sunglasses, too!)[/li]
[li] Having great muscles and a nice bod. 'Specially those outstanding pecs… mmmm! He’s generally just way handsome anyhow… black hair, dark eyes, clean shaven, well-groomed without being fussy.[/li]
[li] Having understated good taste. Doesn’t wear any jewelry or trendy wacky clothing. No pierced anything. Drives a nice yet sensible car. He’s immensely twisted, but on the inside. Love the dichotomy![/li]
[li] Not thinking that we need to be attached at the hip 24/7. Lets me go my own way and do my own stuff when I need my time.[/li]
[li] Being able to juggle. Literally. Just about anything. Very entertaining, especially in the produce aisle at the local grocery store.[/li]
[li] Being well-traveled. Lots of good stories, but not boastful about it.[/li]
[li] Being a published author.[/li]
[li] Liking cats.[/li]
[li] Taking me out to dinner a lot.[/li]
[li] Being smart and having the ability to poke fun at himself. (Actually, it’s more fun if I poke him…!)[/li]
I await his list regarding moi.

Actually, Creaky, you get Chick Points for having a BF who’s a pilot and juggler.

He only gets Stud Points for going with a Doper!

Monfort and thinksnow definitely get Stud Points!

Of course I meant ‘Montfort’. Sometimes I leave out whole words, so I guess I’m OK.

Oh… whoops, sorry rjk! I got it backwards! So typical of me…! :wink:

Trust me, this WILL get old.

That said, my husband looks like a cross between Bruce Willis and Nicholas Cage, [sub]if you add about 100 lbs[/sub]
and holy shit, can he ever dance! [sub]like a white boy**

He was made the youngest partner in the ENTIRE history of his [sub]public accounting[/sub] firm and now runs ALL of NYC, New England, Philly, and DC! [sub]for a French firm[/sub]

He went to an exclusive all boy Catholic high school [sub]and got kicked out his senior year for failing religion[/sub] and varsity lettered as a sophomore. [sub]in debate[/sub]

It was supposed to look like this:

That said, my husband looks like a cross between Bruce Willis and Nicholas Cage, [sub]if you add about 100 lbs[/sub]
and holy shit, can he ever dance! [sub]like a white boy[/sub]

He was made the youngest partner in the ENTIRE history of his [sub]public accounting[/sub] firm and now runs ALL of NYC, New England, Philly, and DC! [sub]for a French firm[/sub]

He went to an exclusive all boy Catholic high school [sub]and got kicked out his senior year for failing religion[/sub] and varsity lettered as a sophomore. [sub]in debate[/sub]

He’s a FANTASTIC father [sub]when he’s home two days a week[/sub] and an outstanding lay! [sub]That ain’t no half-truth![/sub]

He’s very funny and has an instinctive business sense, it’s uncanny.

He loves me! [sub]so apparently he’s insane[/sub]

anyone who has kept up with me and my threads (yeah right) knows how I feel about a girl, Mandy. Well, I’ll tell ya, I have been after her forever, and tonight, I finally made out with her. I believe I am getting a strong grip on our relationship, and that rocks!

I would tell you how studly and manly and um, powerful my guy is, but then you’d get jealous and try and steal him from me. :smiley:

My sweetie just got his Coast Guard Captain’s License and 50 Ton Certificate (and I’ve already heard all the lines about how can he carry a 50 ton cert in his wallet - ha ha ha) So anyway, I’m married to a certified sailing stud.

He also rides a RoyalStar - BIG honkin’ bike… I hate riding myself, but he does look good in his leathers.

Oh yeah - and he scrubs the shower without being asked - that’s worth all kinds of points in my book! :smiley:

Well, I get MAJOR Chick Points for having a younger SO with Stamina. :smiley:

My sweetie put me through school for two years, by working at a crappy job in a laundromat.

He’s tall, dark, and well-built.

On my birthday, he threw me a surprise party - that worked.

He changed diapers without being prompted. :smiley:

And he puts up with me! It isn’t easy being married to one of the Kindly Ones, you know.

Well I think that you should get chick points for every time you:

  • Convert someone with a single bible story
  • Refer to “Satan’s shadowy world of homosexuality”
  • Shake and insist that the churches of America are filled with witches! Witches!
  • Insist that crowds of Gay People “Are so filled with hate they’ll tear you apart”


Lucky Charms (Formerly MarxBoy)

A woman I’d never met face to face flew across the country to give me her virginity.

Game, set, and match.

Hey, I resent that!

I am a former professional juggler (meaning I made my living from it), and got it out of my system then. Rarely do I just start tossing things around when out in public. Creaky exaggerates.

See if YOU get a plane ride after you move to New York Sue…

As for Creaky, she gets major Babe Points for… well… lots of stuff that I shouldn’t say on a public message board! Let’s leave it that she looks great in a belly shirt…

How about:

Stud points for moonlighting as a bouncer at the strip club where your girlfriend works. As a cocktail waitress.

Chick points for your girlfriend for constantly having to refuse invitations to do stripping or porno work.

Stud points for having a girlfriend that refuses it (even if it is because she wants a career in film someday).

Chick points for having a boyfriend that thinks you’re sexier than any other girl in the club.

I married a doctor.
And I wasn’t even trying. (Uh, these would be stud points. She’s female, I’m male. And really, I was only trying to get laid. That she knew what to touch, where, why, for how long, and with exactly how much pressure, was a mere bone-us.)