Wow. That was a jam packed episode. I thought from the beginning that the angels asking Dean to torture Alistar sounded off. I didn’t guess the plan (I thought maybe it was another test of sorts, one that Dean would fail), so the big reveal about Uriel’s motives caught me off guard. I still don’t know why they keep saying angels don’t feel, though. Envy, anger, doubt, desire…those *are *feelings, right?
Not much Sam this time around, though maybe that was a good thing, seeing as how he’s become a crazy, power hungry hypocrite. The whole, “My brother’s weak” speech might have been forgivable if he didn’t beg for Demon blood right after. Dean may be wearing out (can you blame him?), but at least he’s not addicted to Rubyjuice.
Anna didn’t bother me, amazingly enough. Her advice to Castiel – that he think for himself and consider the morals of his orders before acting – was spot on. Speaking of Cas, I love where they’re taking his character. Dean called himself and Sam chess pieces, but Cas has been more of a pawn than either of them. Looks like he’s finally going to take charge of himself. Also, he wants to fall and move to Massachusetts with Dean.
Jensen knocked it out of the park. Everything from torturing Alastar to learning the truth about the first seal to the last scene in the hospital – he was awesome all the way through. I really think this was the best performance he’s given.
I have a feeling that the Supernatural definition of ‘righteous’ is going to remain vague. One thing I have a problem with - John never got off the rack, after 100 years of torture? So how did he break out of hell with the demons when the Devil’s gate opened? And, did they actually say that John was the righteous man who could’ve started the apocolypse? John Winchester? The man who emotionally abused and neglected his sons for 22 years while questing for vengance, and then made a deal with a demon? Yeah, whatever.
My impression is the torture in hell was only for a certain period of the “day” then they stopped and came back for more the next day. So, John could have got out during that time when he wasn’t be tortured.
Yup. But I meant his best performance as Dean. Unfortunately, he sucked pretty hard in MBV.
Oh, another thing to be happy about. Alastar, he of the bad Brando impression, is dead. Figures they’d kill him in the only episode he was at all creepy in.