No thread?
Main thing I have to say is – how come no one but me is freaked out by Russhole’s eyes?
No thread?
Main thing I have to say is – how come no one but me is freaked out by Russhole’s eyes?
Twenty-three minutes in, here.
Ah, the gross food challenge! Bass-O-Matic!
Is it too much to ask that
It’s Russhole that gets crunched next week?
The Asian woman better take charge and make her move soon because, while Russell isn’t controlling the game at all, he has been able to get people to trust him.
Wow, Natalie voted for Ashley. I guess she knew which way the wind was blowing.
Man everyone looked pathetic on Foa Foa. Shambow and Jaison’s hands looked awful, ew. I’m fascinated by the perfectly three circular spots on e-Russell’s neck where his beard doesn’t grow. What causes that?
It was great seeing e-Russell looking so frustrated because he couldn’t pull anyone aside and bullshit them. I wonder how they did the voice-over confessionals? Just grab all the players one at a time just before tribal council and interview them (voice only, because the settings didn’t match)?
Meh, another food challenge. It can’t have been actual rotten food; the producers wouldn’t risk the whole cast being sent home. It was probably was just gamey enough to be really aromatic. I didn’t even know what some of that stuff was – sea slugs?
Next week: medical! And the producers must be thinking about a tribe mixup; I can’t see them letting Foa Foa go down to zero, not with e-Russell still providing color.
“She’s gotta pay for that chicken.” I love how it took him a few minutes to think up a reason for sending her away other than “nobody likes having Shamwow around”. Was there ever a doubt that she’d be the one they sent over? Why did Russell think he had to plead his case for sending her before they started their cookout? Nobody likes her - nobody was about to complain about her not being around.
I really liked the editing of them sitting in the shelter with just the voice-overs about voting at tribal. That was a nice touch.
Jeff certainly enjoyed mixing up those smoothies, didn’t he? I thought it might be easier to drink one of those than to eat actual slug guts or sea cucumbers whole like they have in the past. Since only one person didn’t pull it off, that might be the case.
That was a Gold Medal performance in the Passive Aggressive Olympics at the Galu Bar-B-Q, wasn’t it? I think Russell took the medal with refusing to shake Dave’s hand, though.
What is the deal with the beard doily on RussHole’s neck? I wonder if it’s the same on the other side of his neck? If you were a “millionaire” (ahem…), wouldn’t you get your missing front tooth replaced?
It looks like a Galu gets medivac’d out next week. I need to see the preview again and see who’s missing.
As always, Jeff’s Blog is great insight into the game.
FWIW, I had a sebacous cyst removed from my neck, and whiskers won’t grow there anymore, so I get a similar looking thing when I don’t shave.
The whole firestarting fiasco was just odd. You don’t expect to see that on a team that’s winning. I was hoping the skies would open and the downpours would start before they got the fire started.
You’re right, his blog is always good.
Liked this point about Russhole not being able to control his reaction after Ashley was voted out – and do hope his teammates weren’t too cold and exhausted to take note of it.
ETA: Dalton Ross’s blog is also always good.
I dunno – I didn’t enjoy this episode at all, and looking back, I suspect I’ve not enjoyed the season as much as usual. I’m not sure what the problem is. Okay, the continual rain is depressing, watching people sit around in the rain is boring, the teams are simply too lopsided in talent, there are too many non-entity characters, nobody stands out in a good way…
I’ll probably keep watching, but I hope things change soon.
Yeah, I’m not that into it either – but I rarely am, this early in the season. I’m not worried … yet …
the last night’s preview showed the following people during the challenge sequence:
spoiler Dave, (2) Monica, (3) Liz, (4) mystery guy in plaid shirt, (5) Laura, (6) Kelly, (7) Erik, (8) Mick (9) Jaison, (10) Natalie, and Erik (again), I think the plaid shirt guy is John, darkish hair, beard.
That leaves (11) Brett, (12) RussellS, (13) Shambo, and (14) RussellH not shown[/spoiler]
I wonder if Jaison confessing he was on an Olympic team will cost him in the “he’s too big a threat” event later. That is, if he even makes it to the merge/mixup; he’s hinted several times that he wouldn’t mind going home.
Some guy (Erik?) was angry at the ocean? How stupid is that?
Kudos to Liz for guessing correctly that eRussell had the HII. But then she blew it by confronting him about it. eRussell does not like to be confronted; he takes it as a personal affront, and the affronter must be punished. Only the downpour saved her from the Wrath of Russell.
I loved Jaison for a hot minute, but I am starting to feel like I need to invoke the “O” word: OSTEN. I don’t think Jaison will actively quit, and I strongly doubt that he is afraid of pelicans, but there is a vaguely whiny sort of air-of-entitlement-thing going on there that makes me feel increasingly “meh” about him. Like, “Dude, I’m going to Stanford, I don’t need this shit from you.” (Though to be fair, I am not 100% sure that Jaison would ever say “dude” – has he? I can’t remember.)
And I think Russell H. made a huge mistake in sending Shambo to Foa Foa again, especially when she raised a stink about “spreading the love” – while I can’t really think of who else he could have sent, she basically telegraphed to that entire tribe where her loyalties lie, and it isn’t with Galu. They’re going to need to get rid of her soon, or she’s totally going to jump ship at the merge.
Also: that Gross Food Challenge was enough to put me off seafood (and milk) for a long time. (When they ate baluts in Palau, I didn’t eat eggs for more than a month.)
To make it crystal clear that anyone who fucks with their food supply can expect similar treatment.
Was the milk cow milk or coconut milk? My SO thought it was the latter for some reason, and I can’t say I’m sure one way or the other. Except that I think coconut milk would make the sea-smoothy a bit too appealing, and cover up the total grossness.
If they don’t merge pretty quick, one tribes inability to win the idol may doom them. They could just disappear a week at a time.
I don’t think coconut milk is that thick. I’m pretty sure it was regular ol’ moo cow milk.
RussHole’s eyes creep me out too. He looks lizard-y. Lizardish? Lizardian?
I really want to like a lot of these players…however, as seems to be usual at this point in the game, nobody is being too likeable. I can’t say I’d be too likeable after sitting out in the rain for that long. I was really liking Galu Russell, but that think at the fire pit was ridiculous. And shake the man’s hand before I slap the stupid out of you.
Speaking of the rain, at least one of the Galu idiots finally said that they’d rather have the tarp than the blankets now.
Every time I see Shambo now, I think of jayjay’s Nemean Poodle comment. And I laugh and laugh. Thanks man!
Maybe I am soft, but I would have sent one of the players who sat out the food challenge. Anyone who ate the nasty food deserved to eat the good stuff they helped win.
RussHole must be a shape- shifting reptilian. First they control the world through nefarious means and interbreeding with the elite, now they are on Survivor. Can’t they give us a break?